Contest Closed: This contest has ended and you can view all the entries below. They are sorted from highest rated to lowest as voted by our members.

Congratulations to our Top 3 Entries: Deanna Davoli,Rita Niblock,Ratko Torma

Also, don't forget to visit the portfolio's of these artists by clicking on their name.
01 August, 2016
  • Staff

THEME: Black & White Pencil Drawing

DESCRIPTION: This contest is open to all traditional artists that draw using lead pencils. The topic is BLACK & WHITE PENCIL DRAWING. Submit your own drawing of any subject that you have drawn with lead pencil(s). No color artwork will be accepted, only black/white/grayscale pencil artwork for this contest.

VOTING STARTS: 15-Aug-2016

PRIZES: Everyone that submits an art contest entry wins more exposure to your artwork and kudos from your fellow art friends. The top voted winner of this contest will receive $10 in ArtWanted cash to be used for any product or service on our website.

RULES: Only one entry per person. No photographs, paintings or digital art accepted for this contest. Only drawings that are done in lead pencil will be accepted. Entries accepted for two weeks, voting takes place for one week after entries are received.

HOW TO ENTER: Reply to this message and attach your contest entry image to your message. Your contest entry will be hidden until voting starts. Good luck!


23 Contest Entries

Deanna Davoli 11 Aug 2016

"Evaki" Original Graphite drawing pencil: 10x10 inches

A striking pencil drawing of the lovely Native American Goddess, Evaki. She is the Bakairi night goddess, aunt of the twin culture heroes Keri and Kame. Evaki has the responsibility of taking the sun out of the jar it is kept in every morning and putting it back away at night. Evaki is associated with sleep and dreams, and she is sometimes represented as a bat.

Here is a time lapse video of me creating this drawing:

Rita Niblock 11 Aug 2016

Untitled Portrait Graphite Pencil

Ratko Torma 06 Aug 2016

Daniel Mooney 02 Aug 2016

The Rice Farmer - Vietnam

ken gemmell 07 Aug 2016

Nava Raj 05 Aug 2016

Graphite pencil on canson paper. Size-A3

Andrea Varhol 14 Aug 2016

title: Beauty Chrysalis size :A4 drawing with white pencil inspired by: "Only beauty has the privilege of looking at the soul without being blinded." Plotinus

thank you for your time

ajaya kumar meher 04 Aug 2016

It is my frnd art

Liz Jennings 06 Aug 2016


This is my entry for the Pencil Drawing Competition "Proud Mama" and is a pencil drawing on canvas paper of an Orangutan and her baby. I hope you like it.

José Fortunato 03 Aug 2016

Drawing made with graphit pencil and watered. in the year 2011

Padmavathy Ragavendran 07 Aug 2016

Plain glass marbles and shadow with refracted light, using B, 2B, 4B, 6B and 8B pencils, duration 1 hr and 45 mins

Bob Talbot 01 Aug 2016

'Corporal Goddard WW1.' Corporal Goddard enlisted like so many enthusiastic service men only to be exposed to the horror of war that affected him for the rest of life. Many had official & beautiful monochrome portraits taken prior to posting, valued by their families.

Carrie Hawks 08 Aug 2016

"Purrfect page of Pentacles" 6"x8" Pencil Drawing on Bristol Paper, 2016. My own kitty Sweet Mika Bunny as the "Purrfect Page of Pentacles" for a 78 Tarot Club Auction.

Anneke Hut 03 Aug 2016

Comfort, when the aching is never ending

Mohamed Amine ben Taleb 11 Aug 2016


Melissa Galindo 07 Aug 2016

I hope the best for everyone

Lisa A. Ciaccia 14 Aug 2016

A sketch I did of a friend during one of her musical performances. Keeping in mind I sketched this in a dark lit bar using a lead pencil and my sketchbook.

Amanda Bussen 09 Aug 2016

This is a pencil drawing I did a little while back as a study for a painting I am looking to create soon. I love animals, so much so that I have made them my life. When I am not doing artsy stuff or spending my spare time with my kids, I am working nights at an ER animal hospital. We dont see horses but, I do love the majestic ways of horses.

Stacie Dowdy 02 Aug 2016

Lucille Ball

Graphite and white chalk on grey toned paper

Francie Simonson 08 Aug 2016

This assignment was to sketch yourself first then turn it into a painting.

More contest entries on the next page...