• Susan Chasteen
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  • Image 97 of 97
  • Added 05 Dec 2005
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Ocean Dreams

Sea nymph rising out of the water DesignsbySalvezza

5 of 8 Comments Show All 8 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Emily Reed 12 Apr 2006

Just fantastic! Enchanted!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Emily.

Angela Francis 17 Mar 2006

Very nicely done Susan. Great image.

Artist Reply: Thanks ever so kindly Angela.

Jerry 06 Feb 2006

Looks like some mystrey, drama and adventure!

Artist Reply: Yes most certainly :)

steve running 06 Jan 2006

I think this is superior work!! I love it's dreamy sexy quality. Forget that asshole's statement,you can delete it and him from your site.Thanks for your insights,they mean a lot!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much Steve. You're a true gentleman. I didn't let the offensive remark get to me, I think people like that are reaching out for attention, and very unhappy with their life in their own little small narrow minded world. He needs to focus on positive thoughts and look for the beauty around him instead of a ugly world whether it be cheap or poor quality. Like my picture, "Beauty in the eye of the beholder" I can look at an old rotten stump and see something beautiful in it, or a old person's wrinkled skin and see the beauty in their face. Keep up the fantastic work. My world is full of beauty all around me, like your beautiful art. *~smiles~* Susan

Anonymous Guest 28 Dec 2005

This looks like something that I might see at a carnival. How could you call this art? It is really, really, bad and tasteless.

Artist Reply: You would know I suppose, you must hang out at carnivals alot. Someone so rude as you are, doesn't surprise me. It must be horrible being you.