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Latest Image: IMG 2021-05-20-09-28-59-009

IMG 2021-05-20-09-28-59-009

Christina Ettwell

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The Goddess is Rising, and magic is afoot. I am currently working on an exhibition of paintings, writings and jewelry that celebrate feminine strength, wisdom, beauty and empowerment through celebrating the divine feminine. This is inspired by the ancient Goddess' that never left, whom I have connected with through my own spiritual practice of Witchcraft. The divine feminine is rising as we see a shift happen in our own society where women are rising up and taking back the claim of their own power through respect and equality. Through this work, I hope to inspire others to take claim of their own inner wisdom and strength and compassion and we all move forward together to create a more equal, fair, just loving and compassionate society. When the Goddess rises, we all rise.

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