• Susan Willemse
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  • Added 10 Nov 2019
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Bokeh background for the New Holland honeyeaters

New Holland honeyeaters are small nectar feeding birds that can be found in Australia, these had been ringed in the Canberra botanical gardens for observation. I often photograph the background "feeling" of a scene or as my husband says- "whats this picture about?" when viewing a branch. It's the background for creating bokeh or photo-realism - see my Otter anxiety video to explain this at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPG5aFlXymY&t=195s The detail in the birds are often captured better by my husband who holds his camera more steady- I have to hold my breath to get detailed photos after a long walk but I digress getting the photographs often take the longest in creating these artworks and I am lucky that two of us can. The background then sometimes takes longer than the birds themselves but with this artwork I decided on a more simple abstract background to emphasise the birds themselves but still using the greens, yellows and purples in my reference image. New Holland honeyeaters not to be confused with the White-cheeked honeyeaters have huge personalities and are always busy and they like to pose in various upright and upside down positions, they also easily hide behind branches peering out at you so I painted them larger than life. Thus when I next spotted them I was a little surprised at how small they were. The artwork can be viewed here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTWWlCITHOM

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