• Jodie Zimmerman
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  • Added 28 Feb 2007
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Onyx the Black

Onyx the Black was inspired by a very popular novel in the Dragonlance series. Onyx is a very nasty poison black dragon that lived in ancient ruins and guarded her prescious treasures with her life. She also protected a significant religious artifact that was a very important stepping stone in the novels outcome. A group of adventurers, guided by fortold tales of the artifact came to Onyx' lair to retrieve this item. They did not realize they would face off with this malicious beast until it was too late. Black dragons may not be the largest, nor the strongest dragons but they are as slick as their scales in personality. Most are known to live in swamps but on occasion will go to places so remote to horde their prescious treasures. Onyx is made with a mix of high quality polymer clays and is constructed on a strong wire armature. She is cured to the manufacturers specifications. Each one of her scales was individually rolled and placed. I've lost count of how many there actually are! She is painted with acrylics and finished with several coats of high gloss to give that sheen that dragon scales possess. She stands upon some sandy turf, surrounded by real worn rock chips. Copyright © 2007 Dreamborn Designs. All Rights Reserved.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

bianca 28 Feb 2007

WELCOME to ARTWANTED home of finest art.......oh wow look at there beauties....great sculptures....

Artist Reply: Thank You Bianca! Glad I was referred to this website!