• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 09 Sep 2007
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Quo vadis? Have you heard the earth cry? Have you seen the forest bleed? Have you seen the sky weep? Awakened from my slumber I tremble from the nightmare that surrounds me. Is it real what I see? Or am I still dreaming about the tragedy unfolding around me? What can I do? I am just an artist. I have not much influence and worldly powers. Who will hear me when I tell them about my dream? Will my testimony matter? I just don't know. Nevertheless, I must tell what I saw the other night in my restless, fitful and convulsive dream. Even if no one listens. I must still relate my unsettling monstrous news. I fear that as in the past "they" shoot the messenger rather than listening to his report. I pray that that is not the case this time and that my message is acknowledged. We are all "star stuff" connected by our common ancestry and what we do to our Mother Earth we do to ourselves. We cannot escape this reality. The reality that a danger for one is a danger for all. visionary imagist "Joey"


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L.A. Spilsbury 05 Dec 2007

I wish everyone could see your work . I feel so strongly in what you are saying. People wake up and stop destroying the planet

Artist Reply: L.A.: I am glad that you agree with my humble attempts at art. I think we are alike in our beliefs. Looking forward to future sharing of our artworks.

joe valcourt 16 Oct 2007

powerful piece of artwork

Artist Reply: Joe: Sometimes I try to depict issues and themes that strike a chord within me. I am always observing my surroundings and wondering about what I see. Thanks!

Jamie Nice 12 Sep 2007

Fantastic powerful piece, Joey. I too am frightened by the direction that we are headed sometimes.

Vivianne Couture 11 Sep 2007

Powerful! I love it, another very intelligent painting!!

Renata Cavanaugh 11 Sep 2007

Brilliant!!! Touching, and powerful

Artist Reply: Renata: I have been very busy at my galery lately but not too busy to thank you for sharing with me your encouraging words. Again thanks!

Tahnja Wolter 10 Sep 2007

Totally brilliant my friend.

Artist Reply: Tahnja: Thank you. I wanted to make sure that I responded before I leave for the monastery. I hope that all is well with you. Thank you commenting on my work. I always look forward to seeing your name on my screen! Again thanks!!

Anne Vis 10 Sep 2007

Great emotional work, Joey!

Artist Reply: Ann: Thank you for taking some time and commenting on my endeavor. Your input is always appreciated and looked forward to. Thanks!!

annette steens 10 Sep 2007

It happened once before that we chose for destruction. Now we can chose again, will we clean our thoughts,words,actions to positive or not? Mother earth is more strong than we people!!! Great you raise your finger through the "beautiful" dream painting!

Artist Reply: Annette; As always your words inspire me and allow me to know that there are like-minded people out there in this world that we share. Thanks for taking time and sharing with me. I value your insights and your friendship as well.

merle cruser 09 Sep 2007

One cannot tell all but time and time again, who will listen? The wise will listen but is it enough? I will listen, will enough people listen? Another great work of art Joey.! It makes people think when they see art like this!!

Artist Reply: Merle: I sometimes wonder where these images arise from but I know that they must be painted. I am glad that you understand that. Thanks for sharing with me your words and friendship.

Tatyana Shurtz 09 Sep 2007

powerfull message!

Artist Reply: Tatyana: Thank you for taking time to stop by and comment on my work. I value your insights and look forward to your words again. Stop back anytime!

Cindy Lemoi 09 Sep 2007

I think its wonderful you raise awareness through your paintings Joey. Excellent work as always.

Artist Reply: Cindy: Sometimes I really don't wish to paint what I see but somehow i am driven to do my duty as I see it. Thanks for being understanding and a friend.

Maria Murphy 09 Sep 2007

Great message as well as amazing art.Glad someone is thinking of ways to help our Mother earth.She is the only Mother we have got and if we dont look after her ,what will her future children think about us !

Artist Reply: Maria: Your words continue to inspire this artist. Your insights are vital and valued. Never stop painting and allowing the world to see your art. Thank you my friend and fellow artist!!

Joanna Jungjohann 09 Sep 2007

outstanding work, and message Joey

Artist Reply: Joanna: thank you for commenting . I do so value and respect your opinions and look forward always to seeing your name. Thanks!!

Lior Goldenberg 09 Sep 2007

Powerful art! It can make a difference!

Artist Reply: Lior: Thank you for coming into my little gallery and commenting. I do so appreciate you doing so . Stop back again anytime. Thank you!!

Gabrielle Stahlie 09 Sep 2007

Joey, mankind needs people with visions like you have. When only more people will awaken and listen to these visions and sense the coming danger. It is still not to late to handle. That I hope will happen. We must not give up now but we must act together.

Artist Reply: Gabrielle: Indeed, my friend, your words mimic my own. Time is of the essence and it is through cooperation with each other that we will succeed. Thanks!!

Emily Reed 09 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Emily: Thank you for your comments. Stop back anytime. Again thank you!!

Anneke Hut 09 Sep 2007

It's shocking, but that's good. There is maybe still time to heal. The message is acknowledged, Joey, I hope it will awake the people that are not yet aware.

Artist Reply: Anneke: Thank you for taking time to share your words with me and your insights as well. I value your friendship and opinions!!

Alexandra Dvinitninova 09 Sep 2007

The future has arrived.

Artist Reply: Alexandra: Unfortunately, yes. Thank you for sharing with me I do so look forward to your words. Again thanks!!

Chris Roukema 09 Sep 2007

Excellent, Joey! Mother Nature will look after it!

Artist Reply: Chris: Thanks friend for all that you do!!