• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 25 Jun 2007
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Sought Through Prayer and Meditation

Some truths are like lights so bright that they blind. These lights overwhelm the mind and senses and leave one confounded. So it becomes necessary to have a different process when examining these truths. A flashlight can help us to see in the dark but is useless in the light of the noon day sun. So we must throw away our old way of thinking and find a new one. A new process that employs an intuition, a faith, as it were, a guide to realms where the light is so bright that the finite falters. An interpreter that can maneuver through previously untravelled territory. This interpreter is found in quiet solitude, prayer and meditation. It's language is silence and silence is the language of God. It is in silence that we may hear the still, small voice that Is. (visionary imagist"Joey")

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John Fish 02 Dec 2007

I hadn't noticed this before and I love it. It really captures a sense of timelessness, infinite wisdom and eternity. I especially like the skull as a reminder that the physical world is passing, fleeting and only one small part of life

Artist Reply: John: Thank you for the really insightful comment. You are absolutely right on about the transitory aspect of life. that bis why the skull as used. Thanks again.

Valarie Connell 04 Sep 2007

Very beautiful and calm piece! I love the colors and the composition. The lack of detail to the face adds to the surroundings and always you to take it in easily. Wonderful Job!!!

Artist Reply: Valarie: Thanks for stopping by and sharing your insights with me. I do so appreciate your sharing and i look forward to having your comments in the future. thanks again and stop back anytime!!

Vivianne Couture 29 Aug 2007

I love very much this art work, one of my favorite. Very inspirating for me.

Artist Reply: Vivianne: I do so look forward to seeing your words, and of course your art as well. I value and respect your opinions. I hope that all is well with you and that your art is continuing to flourish. Thanks for all that you have done for me. Again many thanks!!

Maria Murphy 28 Aug 2007

love the colours.we should take time to unwind and meditate

Artist Reply: Maria: Soon i will be going to a monastery to do just that. It recharges my batteries and allows me to remain dedicated to my art. Thanks!!

Chris Roukema 10 Aug 2007

So True, Joey! Excellent Work!

Artist Reply: Chris: I'll be going to a monastery soon to recharge my batteries. I always look forward to those extended visits of mine to my monastery. I also look forward to hearing your comments. Thanks friend!!