






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

hello everybody I am an artist who wants to share my art and show it to the world, also If any one wants to contact me, feel free to send me an e mail or phone call, I´m always working on new sculptures, and I also take custom orders.

I am a mexican living in Tijuana Baja California Mexico, my city is a not only a geographical border, but a multi-cultural place where a mixture of cultures take place, a lot of international bussiness between 2 worlds is going on, and my very new city represents very well the 3rd world mixed with the promess of prosperity of the "american dream" and the recently new concept of globalization takes place very well here in Tijuana. I am no doubt a very mexican artist, proud of my multicultural heritage, living in a new city (not even 150 years old yet!!) that allows a lot of inmigrants as citizens, many mexicans from all over my country, a lot of south american brothers, and of course, a lot of USA aliens that enjoy living in a country such as mine, and also some others inmigrants form all over the world.

Basically my city is on the coast, in the desert of baja california, where sunsets take place in beautyfull colors.

some times I feel like living on India!!

artistically, I love studying all techiques, I study realism and also like to stylize a lot. I feel that sculpture is a media where the human spirit can be captured very well in order to be transmited with ease.

Every sculpture is very different, and each one is trully unique. I am very happy to be able to show my work and I hope that you enjoy watching it!!.

as a hobbie I like to play the guitar.

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