






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Awareness, a very dear word for me....aware of oneself, aware of the world we live in, aware of what is going on within our community. The sense is not easy to gain and cope with as it is filled both with joy and sorrow, but I believe that once you reach it the world and your life is going to change. It is up to me, a member of the large community of the human race living on the planet Earth not to change my fellows, but to help them evolve. I have realized that words are good sometimes, but the power of the images is, in the most of the cases, overwhelming and can trigger shifts in the people's attitude towards social issues or create healthy and positive movements. I have come to realize that a photographer interested in creating such a shift has to be present in almost all the fields related to the community, but I feel closer to my soul and heart the social and the environmental issues.

Artist Highlights