





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Emulating the rich natural media experience via the Digital World is what I try to achieve in my paintings. I consider my work impressionistic with an emphasis on color, texture and design.

Before I began to paint digitally nine years ago, I studied watercolor, oils and mixed media painting at my local college in Aptos, California for many years. I now apply those wonderful effects and techniques to the digital canvas.

I began to paint at a very young age and enjoyed sketching and painting animals, trying to find the unique personality in my subjects. I discovered the software program "Painter" nine years ago and have, since then, enjoyed creating images using a Wacom tablet and stylus. The same principles can be applied to painting digitally as in traditional media painting. The technique of "painting with digital light" enables me to express skills that are both traditional and state-of-the-art.

My work is for sale please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I specialize in Portraits, from People to Pets!

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