KEYWORD "LEGACY": This is the only matching image in this portfolio for this keyword.
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©Seth F. Weaver, Sr. 03/20/14. This work was inspired by the changing seasons of life in nature and mankind. You see a large expanse of land, where once stood a great house, home to a large thriving family. Like the seasons people are born and die, children grow up and venture forth into the world taking with them their memories and nothing else. One of the boys becomes a man and serves his country in a far away land dying from a motorcycle accident at a young age. The last remaining son works with his father in a business until dementia strikes down the patriarch. The son cares for the father but it is futile. The girls all get married except one and move away. The mother left alone is still visited by her local children regularly as she opens a boarding house in town. As you look at the site of this family home now reclaimed by nature you can sense that maybe this spot was their parlor and being the style of the day they must have gathered here for a family picture. If you stretch your imagination you will find your there with them once again. This work started with a photo of some woods. The trees inspired me to add an antique photo of my maternal grandfather and his family. Stirring it up all in my imagination. A Compullage™ creation.


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John Cappello 01 Apr 2014

Very Effective, Imaginative Interesting and Always very creative work! I really like Your style of Artwork

Artist Reply: Thank you John for your always appreciated compliments and visits.

Julia Scorupsky 22 Mar 2014

This is a rather sad story of a family, Seth. Very well done, I like the layers of color and thoughts here!

Artist Reply: The photo I used was a grainy one of my Granfather's family he is on the far right. I was trying to compare the changes of the seasons to the lives in a family. This was a personal challenge for me. Thank you for your compliment and visit.

Anneke Hut 22 Mar 2014

What a proud family, your rendering of the story is beautiful, Seth!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much Anneke for your time and compliment.

ruth sears 21 Mar 2014


Artist Reply: Thank you Ruth for the compliment and visit.