• Irmina Santaika
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  • Added 21 Dec 2016
  • 1 Comment
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The image of a mother leaning over her sleeping child goes back well before the advent of Christianity. The art critics say it began in the 5th-4th century BCE. I have painted an expansive series of Mother and Child artworks. This is the Virgin and Infant, the focal point of a detailed discussion in which I want to address Femininity and Maternity. In my painting, the Mother’s face radiates happiness. She is holding her divine Infant in her arms. She is depicted just like any other mother. She is protecting Her Child’s dream and serenity, as any mother would do. On Her right side is the Owl that symbolizes the wisdom of femininity. In this painting, the Owl also symbolizes the courage to see the truth; to hear what is really being said. The artwork’s energy is directed to the strength needed to open our eyes to look into the shadows of life. All truth is in us. Our voice and our vision come from our childhood. The Owl does not tolerate illusion or secrets, and nor does the Mother who is defending Her Child’s happy future.

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Anonymous Guest

Vernonette Gaddy 22 Dec 2016

Superbly beautiful artwork Irmina. :)

Artist Reply: Thank you so much :) Nice to see you again, dear Vernonette !