






Artist Bio

Vivere was born 1987 in Paisley and raised in Ayrshire, west coast of Scotland. There is a history of art in the family and this clearly influenced Vivere to take a keen interest in art at young age and has been a keen artist ever since.

After successfully studying fine art in Dumfries, it was a very successful end of year show with serious sales to give her the confidence to continue with her art career.

What followed after College as a series of mixed exhibitions in Glasgow and Edinburgh and art auctions.

Vivere has now decided to take control of her work and her career and recently opened her own gallery in Ardrossan and with her studio above the gallery ( has finally found that her work can develop and grow at its own pace.

Vivere's work is stylish and quirky. Unafraid of creating bold images that make a visual statement and choosing colour wisely, using it to create impact on a large scale.

The simplicity of the lines and marks on the canvas bellies the work and preparation required to produce such dramatic images.

Artist Highlights