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  • O. Yemi Tubi
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  • Image 9 of 34
  • Added 17 Apr 2020
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It is Finished ! The Stone is rolled away

“So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” John 19 verse 30 “The strife is o'er, the battle done; the victory of life is won; the song of triumph has begun: Alleluia!” This painting is my Easter message to the world in a lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic. In the Bible, the world of the followers of Jesus Christ was in a lockdown for three days before Easter Sunday. They were gripped with fear of possible arrest by the Roman soldiers just as everyone around the world is gripped with fear of being infected by the coronavirus. The social life of the human race is partially dead; everyone is in a lockdown state, sealed in by the stone of the coronavirus. As in the resurrection morning – Easter morning, when the stone was rolled away and the Lord Jesus Christ rose triumphantly from the tomb, in this painting the coronavirus is the stone that is rolled away and the figure is jumping out of the tomb of the coronavirus in jubilation. In front of the tomb is a couple that threw away their face masks and engaged in embrace. Their flying face masks turned into doves. Doves are also flying from the background cross on which the Lord Jesus Christ cried “it is finished”. Dove is often used as a symbol of the peace God made with the human race. At the far left of the painting is the image of a Roman soldier that was brought to his knees with the supremacy of God’s power and the bottom of the tomb are the Roman soldier’s helmet and sword; the symbol of the “superpower” of the time. This is to depict that corona virus brought the modern “world superpowers” to their knees and their powerlessness against the virus. This shows their inability to press the nuclear buttons to evaporate corona virus. But God’s divine intervention will totally evaporate the corona virus. This painting “It is Finished; the Stone is Rolled Away” is an optimistic prediction that the stone of corona virus will be rolled away. The social life of humans will be resurrected and come to life again. Corona virus will not be the end of humans. It is Finished. The deadly reign of terror of corona virus will soon be finished.

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Elton Houck 17 Apr 2020

Glory to come...Jesus is still Lord of Lords and King of Kings...I congratulate you for witnessing to our miracle making God...God can do what man can not. We climb our high towers and proclaim we are masters of all we survey and nothing can overcome our manly power...then God allows a tiny micro organism to subdue us- to bring down the mighty to his knees, where he should have been to begin with, and there pleading with God to forgive and to save.

Artist Reply: Thank God. He do what the world leaders and superpowers cannot do. He is our Refuge and strength in time of trouble. He will help us overcome the pandemic.