• Marius Kristoffersen
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  • Image 2 of 7
  • Added 07 Oct 2019
  • 1 Comment
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The Mist

This photo is the second in the series from my hike to the mountain ranges towering above Lillehammer, Norway. The first, Castle in the Sky, tells the story about how the wards can be viewed as castles in the sky, as well as how we were surprised by a fog catching up to us. This one is from the descent of my group as we were trying to keep ahead of the fog catching in on us, in which case we would be completely reliant on GPS/compass to navigate. Which is something you don't want, generally. The reason I took the time to capture this photo is due to the serenity of it all. Rapidly changing weather or not, the forest and the mountains are there. It feels like they always have been and always will be. I love how the fog completely encapsulates them both, as the final checkpoint before coming towards us. The ominous vibe the fog gives reminded me of the movie The Mist, inclining me to give it the name it has.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Debra Kott 09 Oct 2019

Very nice.