





Artist Bio

Everyone calls me Bonnie and sometimes a few other choice names. Some people think I am weird. Others say I am not weird but that I am unique. I am 63 years young. I have one Daughter Cindi and one Granddaughter Phoebe. I live in Saint Charles Illinois, was born and raised in Chicago, lived in Mississippi for twenty years and have been home since 1994. I am a Care Giver for Residents with Alzheimer's Disease. This mind boggling disease pricks my heart. I give my Residents good care and try to bring some dignity back in their lives. The most important part of my life is my relationship with God. I believe the bible is the infallible word of God and nobody can ever convince me that it is not so. I love to be with my family and friends get together's. Winter is my favorite season of the year. ...going out to eat with my granddaughter...going out to eat period...I also love to stay home and work on the computer. I am a sponge bob collapse game addict. I am on a mission to reach a score of 6 million which I have come very close to. The all time high score is 10 million. Now that boggles my mind to no end. Step into my little world. I am woman hear me roar. I am me. Like me as I am or don't like me at all. I will still love you.

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