




Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Almost 40 year career in Art. Illustrated the Number One NYTimes Bestselling Rush Revere series. Illustrated over 200 covers for The Limbaugh Letter, over 100 covers for The American Conservative. Illustrated the first issue of The Week Magazine. Was Editorial Illustrator and Political Cartoonist for FoxNews.com Views from 1997-2000

The work presented here is drawn in pencil on 11" x 14" paper and scanned. It is not created or executed digitally.

I previously painted in Egg Tempera and Oil and spent many years also working in the early days of computers, starting in 1989, creating graphics and illustrations for the Trade-show industry, advertising as well as generating demonstrative evidence for the courtroom. I was trained to draw traditionally starting at age 13 from a renowned Georgia Artist, Jon Haber and eventually graduated from DeKalb Tech with a degree in Commercial Art in 1986. Recently, as I entered my 60's, I took an extensive drawing course to renew my fundamental art skills which is when I developed a passion for drawing only in pencil. I currently reside with my amazing and beautiful wife in the great state of Tennessee. Romans 8:1

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