• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 02 Aug 2011
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The Realization

Some realizations come not fast into my recognition..

I sometimes do "things" quite spontaneously...
Almost a year, since i made something very spontaneously inspired by inspiration that came in a brief moment or a bit more then a moment..INSPIRATION That, I've known more then several years.. But, it touched me, in that specific moment... May it be the timing, or its content...
I made an image, quite immediately and post it.. I forgot all about it...
ALMOST A YEAR.... How fast life flies ...and I continue with my life and other inspirations...UNTIL...one day... the "act" of someone probably watching me, gave me a "shook".
I have no idea, if that someone meant anything, by the act...But that specific time, it made me act immediately .
Then, few days later it brought this person 5 times in a very short time into my dreams...(4-6 weeks)
...... Then the realization came...

Many people watch your steps...Some you know, others, you can't even guess...
And, Yes..
"I've been watching YOU"...
Thanks for visiting.. May this day bring wonderful news your way...
Love from hot Israel.
Copyrights (c) Nira Dabush.

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Anonymous Guest

Sigridur Bachmann 03 Aug 2011

Such a excellent work, really standout ! Great colors !

Artist Reply: Thanks so much my dear friend.. Greetings, AHAVA & SHALOM, Nira.

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 03 Aug 2011

fresh, beautiful and brilliant!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much my dear friend.. Greetings, AHAVA & SHALOM, Nira.

Thom Roslan 03 Aug 2011

Once again Niri......A beautiful, colorful and dramatic design ! We can always count on the "Rainbow Artist" to thrill us !

Artist Reply: Thanks so much my dear friend, Thomi.. I'm glad I can count on you :-))... Greetings, AHAVA & SHALOM, Nira.

John Cappello 02 Aug 2011

So lovely,so cheerful, bright and fresh.

Artist Reply: Thanks so much my dear friend.. Greetings, AHAVA & SHALOM, Nira.

Olga van Dijk 02 Aug 2011

Oh dearest Nirah.....you ARE romantic indeed; KC is right, and your feelings are so in sinc! Trust your emotions and try to keep that innocence what we love so much about you and what we find back in your beautiful artwork... ---People will betray you and others, and that hurts. Big time and that makes you sad. But Nirah, you're so much stronger than "them". It took me a year to get out of that painters dip. But when you return.........BOY OH BOY... *Written in Love and Light for you, Olga*

Artist Reply: Dearest Olga... Thanks for your written in love words.. Yes, you know me few years already.. I am romantic in nature I guess.. It can be wonderful, if you use your romantic nature on the right "person" ;-))... Or at the right situation. My innocence hurt me terribly especially due to internet "BAD WRONG" "connections"... BUT Then we all grow.. And there's a change all the time... And my look of things that happened to me, because of my Nativity, in perspective to the last few years, show me that there is NO PLACE For innocence no more.. Not in my life, anyway... I don't wish to get hurt by no one... I lost friends whom i appreciated very much... I forgave too much, when i maybe should not have done so... My life, and especially talking of internet with it's wrong events, taught me a lesson.. and i believe we all learn through our experiences in internet, because... none of us here born or raise to live in era of internet... But we all learn... My post here is not at all convey sadness... there is perhaps innocence but with growing up.. You know what... It is well known fact that my dreams are in fact important to me... BUT At this time of my life.. i just wish to enjoy it, to get the best from it.. letting myself being disillusioned, Getting the message of the CHANGE... Awaking with the smile of what my dreams can bring... HIGHER LIGHT, Perhaps...and the fact, that i actually can take away also in my dreams the unsuitable , lets call them "EVENTS"... To be freed at last from past unnecessary events. These "NEW LINE" Which came in my recent dreams show me CALMNESS, And opened my EyEs to the "NEW", Which is so surprisingly wonderful. With myself wish to accept the NEW in my life. Without no illusions... Ahava and Shalom... MYSELF..