• Blossom Hackett
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  • Image 14 of 32
  • Added 10 Aug 2011
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Himalayan Angel

Size: Image, 17 X 26, ½ inches. Paper: Blue Grey, approx, 200 gsm. Colors: Soft & Hard Pastel & color Pencils, using mainly White, Grey, Black, Yellow Ochre & Burnt sienna, blue green for the eyes & dash of red violet between the skies Snow leopards have long thick fur, and their base color varies from smoky gray to yellowish tan, with whitish neck & chest parts. They have dark gray to black open rosettes on their body with small spots of the same color on their heads and larger spots on their legs and tail. Unusually among cats, their eyes are pale green or gray in color. One of their main features, containing unusual large nasal cavities that help the animal to breathe the thin, cold air of their mountainous environment. Unlike other cats, Snow leopards cannot roar, their vocalizations include hisses, chuffing, mews, growls, and wailing. Snow leopards' tails are long and flexible, helping them to maintain their balance, which is very important in the rocky terrain they inhabit.


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John Cappello 08 Jan 2014

AWESOME WORK I love those green eyes and the fur detail!!

Artist Reply: Well it was not easy to do those eyes, I must have taken at least 15 days repeatedly correcting the balance in the expression, each morning I would sit thinking today it looks correct next morning the same would look imbalanced & make me sit an erase to re-do, till a point the paper was about to give up, but finally I did get it correct & also learnt that On looking eyes in any case must be done first & then the remaining parts. While I was going through this struggle I also went surfing various web-sites I noticed that not many Artist attempt that “On looking Expression”

Angie Owens 30 Aug 2012

intensely beautiful! i wont say more because i think that sums it up for me just right!

Artist Reply: Yes I do appreciate your comment, even if it’s just the second one in a years time.