• Vladislav Runov
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  • Added 06 Nov 2011
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The mountain legend of Montserrat...

In Spanish Catalonia, nearby about Barcelonas, there is a place to which all Catalans worship and is esteemed as a holy site. It is mountain Montserrat. On a legend, in the beginning of 12th century, local residents have noticed that the luminescence proceeds from one of caves. After lifting on mountain led by the local bishop, they have found out figures of Maiden Maria with the Christ in a lap. Originally, on a find place the small temple in which there was a Virgin has been created. The place has been esteemed by all Spaniards, the candles the turned black image of faces of figures became which result of a soot, continuously burned. Now figures look with black color of persons etc. After capture by Napoleon Spanish, the temple has been destroyed, but monks to Benedictines managed to hide an image of the Virgin and after independence restoration, they had been erected a new temple, already at mountain bottom where and till this hour the figure is exposed. Monks, assert that if to think of desire and will touch the right hand of the Virgin, the desire will necessarily be executed. Thousand pilgrims and tourists daily visit a monastery and mountain. At the time of fascist Germany, "Annenerbe" (nazi the occult organization - "Heritage of ancestors"), searched here for Sacred Graal ..Canvas.Oil. 90 x 60 cm

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ruth sears 24 Jul 2013

this is brilliant!