• Ron Atkin
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  • Added 11 Jul 2012
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LEARN THE SONG OF THE SEA IDC……………………… Tina Davis DID 3,000 years ago in Egypt she progressed so well with the SOS IDC that she got a kundalini in the pyramid Cheops…………… Without realizing that when she first started the SOS, this automatically put her in line to be nominated by myself to be a Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts = F.R.S.A. So now, not only is she a brilliant meditater, but she can put those letters after her name on letterheads and gallery exhibitions, etc. TINA DAVIS; F.R.S.A……………. In the picture you see her “walking upon water” just as the Bible says Christ did. The SOS also guides you to “turn water into wine” and “feed the five thousand.”………………………..Because of certain circumstances 3,000 years ago. She has had to return in this incarnation to be ‘taken through.’ This completes her circle/12 zodiac cycles over thousands of years. …………………………….. The SOS however, though its philosophy is 100% humorous and 100% serious has to show its 100% serious face when I am guiding any soul on this deep level. What we are talking about here is NOT a physical fish. It is now 11 AM… UK time. In the past hour I have guided Alberto via Skype to catch his fish. A GOLDEN one, which is to consciously experience the CHRIST within his physical body, internally and externally. I am sure Alberto would be happy to confirm the other parts of his SOS beach journey. I am most grateful for today’s technology re: SKYPE. ……………………………. The Zoom picture represents a beach that ALL 6 billion souls on the earth could have access to, but are stuck in the swamp of 2 eye seeing. This guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meditations_on_First_Philosophy…………….+ religion is still holding you with a ball and chain round your ankles in this swamp. Contact Tina -For Registration Address Please Email [email protected]

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annette steens 14 Jul 2012

So we all are if... we want to see with our inner eye!

Artist Reply: Know thyself S.O.S. Inner dimensional journeys. ...........................................To register for this guidance go to Marie’s web page. http://www.interskill.org/Taichi/wp-login.php?action=register

Karen Helsing 11 Jul 2012

I greatly appreciate your interest in the Secret of the Alchemy Way. I do wish to point out Jesus walked on the water for the same reason he worked other miracles; the miracles were teaching aids to illustrate the spiritual truths.

Artist Reply: SWITCH OFF YOUR OUTER VIEW Karen just for a day. Do the SOS and I think you will AWAKEN to a new/ancient light. It is older than 2,000 years.

Tina Davis 11 Jul 2012

Oh, Ron......this is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you. Alberto is absolutely right when he said that the beach (SOS) is "THE SECRET OF ALCHEMY WAY." For those of you who may not know, Ron is the one who had guided me 'through' in this lifetime…into the space that I now live, and into being a guide for others, myself. I encourage ALL here, and everyone everywhere, to do the SOS meditation…IT IS LIFE CHANGING. Before I met Ron my memories had been returning.…he confirmed everything that I was hearing, seeing, and experiencing. 3,000 years was a long time to wait for someone, who really knew what they were doing, to come along. Ron is that ancient soul. i AM Eternally grateful - Tina Davis, M.Ed., FRSA

Chris Roukema 11 Jul 2012

Seriously Funny, Ron!!!!!!! Thanks for the Laughter!!!!

Artist Reply: Oh, Ron......this is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you. Alberto is absolutely right when he said that the beach (SOS) is "THE SECRET OF ALCHEMY WAY." For those of you who may not know, Ron is the one who had guided me 'through' in this lifetime…into the space that I now live, and into being a guide for others, myself. I encourage ALL here, and everyone everywhere, to do the SOS meditation…IT IS LIFE CHANGING. Before I met Ron my memories had been returning.…he confirmed everything that I was hearing, seeing, and experiencing. 3,000 years was a long time to wait for someone, who really knew what they were doing, to come along. Ron is that ancient soul. i AM Eternally grateful - Tina Davis, M.Ed., FRSA

Anonymous Guest 11 Jul 2012

Such wonderful stuff here for all to see Ron - Thank u for sharing it with the world! xM