• Ron Atkin
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  • Added 18 Oct 2014
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From Old Oxman dêrnen (to hide) itself from Old Auregan dernean, the inflected form of the adjectives 'dern' and 'darn', meaning 'secret, hidden' and 'dark', themselves from Old Oxman derne and darn, both from Old Auregan derni, itself from Proto-Germanic *darnijan meaning 'a secret'. Cognate with Old English dyrnan, diernan (to hide, keep secretly), Old Saxon dernian and Old High German tarnen (to keep secretly, hide). ……………………………………………………………………… “His approach to us is one of arrogance and pride. “I’m so wondrous,” he says, “how could you not revere me?” Just as we huff in frustration, he murmurs into our ear, “And you’re pretty wondrous too.” He brings to us pride. He wants us to completely and totally love ourselves, because that is when we are most in-tune with him………………………………………. To conclude, the Dierne is a god of love who teaches us about beauty, perception, and pride. He offers us complete understanding of ourselves and our world and the ability to better relate to both.” From www.patheos.com. To reconstruct what was hidden visit... http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N99EOLK


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 22 Oct 2014

PS... Your book The Green Side Of God has been for the last 10 years, and will continue to be, a trusted tool and compass while navigating my universe! Thank u - forever grateful!xxM

Artist Reply: IF ONLY m!!!...........But POWER resides like a bug in the ear, just when the individual sees a light to awaken their soul, the bug whispers, hold on, "if you pick the torch up you will probably lose your sexual energy! Stay on your present course, lots of sexual POWER entertainment. You have never had it so good! Listen to us -Politicians, Popes, Pontificating Pharmaceutical Prelates." Choose the bugs path and you are on the road to hell.

Anonymous Guest 22 Oct 2014

Love it Ron!!! For me this painting demonstrates creative energy - Universal God Force - Source Energy if you like, with its many dimensions and infinite possibilities. It says that the view from our window - is dependant upon our openness - how much of our view has been restricted by the curtains of mainstream religious teachings. Here the curtains are open knowing and seeing at last our pure creative potentiality... We are the God Force... We are the navigator of our own universe, and it is always the case that the WE on the outside is created from within by our conditioning and beliefs... To me the biggest message your painting carries is.. "Open your curtains - Look through YOUR window (third eye) and YOU will see!!!" xxM

Carolyn Taylor 18 Oct 2014

Buth subtle and stunning--what an amazing image!

Artist Reply: Thank you for your visit and kind comments Carolyn.

Anonymous Guest 18 Oct 2014

This picture has given me/everyone a dictionary that makes it possible to have a conversation with what you might call God, which is truly amazing in today’s technical, mechanical, society. It’s a very green connection that helps to find the right language so you can talk to and to receive information from God….this sea of energy…this love…this cosmic light. When you talk, it leaves you completely naked – meaning, you have no attachments, no polar opposites. It is here that you can speak with your heart. When you do, you become enveloped in a cloak of cosmic celestial light where suddenly you find yourself in the Garden of Eden. Religion tries to say what God looks like, who he/it is, because every religion has a different mind-set about God. This has gone on through thousands of civilizations when high priests have popped up and said “follow me.” Here, if you are free of religion, you can talk to God in any language. The painter is showing you that this book is individualized just for you and is teaching you how you can use it to connect with God.

Artist Reply: Thank you Annon. I am so pleased that by reading the Green Side of God, you are able to publish your own dictionary. Because you did it yourself, it synchronizes with every cell of your body, and your mind. This has helped you to talk to God in your language. So that this makes it possible for you and anyone else to design their own prayer without any connotations of dogmas or with no religion at all. It is a dictionary that, your cat, your dog, the trees and the flowers and the grass can understand. Your nakedness allows you to be free of other people’s negative thoughts and negativity. Now God can return an answer to your prayer, completely for you and only you. So that your needs are like the lily. It clothes your nakedness by the language you have spoken. It fits precisely the length of your arm and the size of your foot so that you are completely in wholeness/holiness. That is why the two C C in the painting, on the curtain, one is reversed. They are the symbol of the clothing you are given by God. That the CC are closed together and make a complete circle. I trust that you will be able to construct your own dictionary to find your own language. The Green Side of God is there to help you construct it, which is yours and yours alone.