• O. Yemi Tubi
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  • Added 29 Sep 2019
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Trump's Cage0919

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Emma Lazarus The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. The above statement is the welcoming message written under the Statue of Liberty for all the immigrants from all over the world that were seeking solace in the great land of liberty (USA) for all people. In Trump’s America, bondage, imprisonment and sorrow are his government’s welcome message to immigrants; which is the title of this painting – The Trump’s Cage. O. Yemi uses Donald Trump’s profile to house the children of immigrants imprisoned by Trump’s government. He used the rolled-up barbed wire for Trump’s bird nest hair and he used a single barbed wire to carve out Trump’s face on the left side of the painting. On the right side of the painting, he placed the Statue of Liberty in the background at the back of the Trump’s profile. This profile indicates that Trump has turned his back to the message of the Statue of Liberty. O. Yemi placed a crying black baby girl in Trump’s profile. The black baby girl stretched her hand out of the profile towards the Statue of Liberty even though she was crying and reaching out for her parent. O. Yemi used the image of the girl to illustrate the aspiration and hope of every immigrant coming to America – reaching out for liberty and freedom. America is a melting pot; beside the native America, many people that claimed America as their country today are descendants of immigrants including Donald Trump. It is the diversity of the people that came from across the world and settled in America that makes America great. For America to be great again, America needs to turn and embrace the message of the Statue of Liberty – Freedom, Liberty and Justice for all people.

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