• Suraj Lochan
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  • Added 07 Feb 2021
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March of Robots 26th 2020

#MarchOfTheRobots2020 near a distant #Star ,on the planet Coarserr; a single assassin manipulated a swarm of Acromion to ravage its entire inhabitants, simply out of pride... Alterr, clutched tightly onto the third most powerful artifact in the galaxy, but was powerless as he became the last of his kind....................................................................................This is the Backstory for Alterr, a Feline humanoid character who becomes a semi robotic-armored hero with an ancient mask and living sword. His rival is the evil robotic ninja called "Cat" or the "Dark Ninja". but there are actually 2 robotic Ninja in the Tournament as they are also Rivals. this causes a triad struggle between the three of them...................................................................................backstory for Alterr:....................................From time uncounted there has existed the Hero. one whom upholds justice and protects the weak from the evil of those with power. The Legendary Altra has gained such prowess as a true hero. over the hundreds of years he has fought injustice thru-out the galaxy. his strength unmatched with his unbreakable sword "Brand" and his justice swift, he has been nicknamed the Shock Knight for the Brutal fear he provokes unto those he hunts down. but altra was not always the unshakable protector he is now. his story starts on the planet of "Coarserr" or Coarse with a being named Alterr............................................Coarse is a large and lush semi tropical planet, inhabited by a few species of large and mostly docile animals. at the top of the food chain existed the intellegent and feline in nature Coarserrians themselves. Alterr was one of the most influencial Coarserrians, he was head of his local council and lived with his mate and newly wed life partner, Serra, on the outskirts of their community. Alterr was rather fond of the natural life and helpped protect the natural life of his planet as the Coarserrians thrived and began to populate their planet.........................................but one such council member, Logerr fought hard to pass a act which would support the importing of alien creatures for food. Tho Alterr fought against it, saying it would upset the planet's natural balance, the end majority approved it as the Coarserrians were a emensely expanding populace and living a more modern and easy life was the common feeling. and thus even larger herding animals were brought from a neighboring planet. but with these docile creatures came predators that fed upon them. ......................................an arachnian or "Acromion" is a spider like hunter that starts out very small but eventually grows to an enormous size. they are capable of laying eggs in the hundreds but due to the predators on their home planet, less than half will survive. loose arachnians thrived on Coarse and quickly became the top predator, many of the peaceful animals of Coarse fell to the predators' voracious appetites. Alterr's wife, Serra, was one of the first Coarsian's killed in an attack..................................................living on the outskirts of citylife, Alterr and Serra were closer to the danger. while they sat talking on their outlook, an arachnian took serra whom was closest to the edge and tried for Alterr as he dashed inside. as a council member, he was entitled to carry some of the best weapons available, but none proved a match for the creature. as the creature dived for him, it managed to take his left arm clean off, the yank throwing his body some good distance into the forest. as he lay bleeding, he swore to avenge his mate's death and destroy those who used their power in a corrupt manner. this he wished insesantly, speaking out loud and trying to make it back to his legs even as his life breath left his body.....................................reaching out and crawling he managed to get a hold of something close, he could now see himself reaching and grabbing a hold of wat looked like a winged creatures hand, from a third perspective he gazed, unable to move, he watched as his body toppled on the edge of a cliff, and fell tumbling to the unknown chasm below and his vision went black and red. searing pain shot thru his chest as he leaned up to see a beautifully carved and inscribed ancient sword jutting up straight thru his chest. it seemed to glow and speak reassuringly to him. ..........................................."hero" he heard as he opend his eyes and pulled himself up. for some years he had layed inside that hole, but he felt new and alive now. but now his furred body had been replaced by a metal one. the sword which ended his life was sitting easily on his new metal back. taking it off, he could see that the sword wasnt totally sword at all, but had mechanized center, had the sword made this new body for him? the sword answered with a yes and recanted its entire story to him. ................................................The unbreakable Sword "Brand", had once belonged to a great hero who existed before the Coarsians became the thriving species on Coarse. a great and advanved civiliation had existed and there hero was called "Altra". soon the need for such a hero diminished and he laid down his arms. eventually their civilization died out and not even their great hero could save them, and eventually Altra and Brand were laid to rest forever. ...................................................But now it had come time for Altra to rise again, and the newly Reborn Hero Altra came forth to save the planet of coarse and avenge his slain love. this time the hero would not lay down his arms for there was must injustice to be fought. Alterr's vow could not be overlooked. eventually Altra watched the Planet of Coarse die out due to overpopulation and the loss of natural balance. he left and travelled the galaxy with the few remaining Coarserrians. Hastely, Altra would battle anyone with a great deal of power as he belived power would lead to evil. his fights eventually led him to the tournament.

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