• Roselin Estephanía
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  • Image 30 of 56
  • Added 16 Feb 2021
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This painting is from 2019, it's called LITIO, inspired by the song Lithium by Evanescence. The concept behind this piece is a beautiful woman bleeding gold. Why you might ask. Well, 2019 was one of the worst years in venezuelan history, I've talked about this before, since my paintings are inspired most of the time by the venezuelan dictatorship. During march of 2019 we had the first ever nation wide blackout. It lasted five days, there's was nowhere to run, nothing to do but wait. Food got wasted, people died in the hospitals, we didn't know when the light was coming back. If it was ever coming back. This situation happened again and again during that year, blackouts that would last DAYS, and then, in my state for the rest of 2019 we only had 12hrs daily of electricity. Only 12hrs. I couldn't sleep, couldn't work, it gave me the worst PTSD of my life. This was every. single. day. This woman, this beautiful woman, is bleeding gold because Venezuela is the country with the biggest oil reserves in the world. We are the richest country with the poorest people. In oil we suffer.

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