• Deborah Shallman
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  • Added 03 Jan 2025
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During the years, Mirit Ben-Nun has participated and exhibited in Art Shows in Israel and around the globe. Mirit Ben-Nun has sold individual art pieces to private and institutional collectors and holds permanent art installations in a variety of locations throughout Israel and the world. She had art showings at the Berlin Hilton in Germany, in China and in Italy. In the city of Mari, Italy her art is permanently placed on a plaque in a public location. In 2020, Dr. Efrat Liani, the author of the Best Seller, Present. Influential. Leading invited Mirit Ben-Nun to be included in that book. It was Published by Kineret Zmora and includes 111 prominent Israeli women and their careers. Some of the women’s careers include bankers, journalists, business women, Olympic athletes, artists etc,. A year later in 2021, Mirit Ben-Nun had the innovative idea, she approached each of the women within the above mentioned book, and invited each to be painted by her and to add their personal heartfelt message next to their respective painted profile. For months, she painted 70 of these women.

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