Could be heaven unless...

photos of stains, objects, and textures merged together in Painter 2022


Anonymous Guest

Charles Jones 13 days ago

Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. ---Talking Heads. Sometimes I think 'nothing' might be pretty good long term, Nikolay. Interesting merger of disparate objects. Hope all is good. :)

Artist Reply: Charles, thanks for seeing me again. Heaven... never been there thank heaven (pardon my pun). I always keep remembering "as above so below' , which helps me handle things I am unaware of. Do you think it's right? We had the first show (quite heavy!) of the year, so the climate seems to be returning to norm. Wishing you the same.

Dave Matke 13 days ago

uniquely subtle and it all works . Is this on paper ? very cool Nikolay : )

Artist Reply: Dave, many thanks! Too bad but my hands are too helpless, especially away from by desktop.