• Joel Yoder
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  • Image 41 of 51
  • Added 06 Apr 2005
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Girl in Hoodie

I drew this awhile back, I was thinking of cleaning it up and make the shading better and junk like that. But I figured I better leave my finished drawings as they are, you know to show my progress kinda. Like how my drawings looked then and now. It's still a pretty good drawing though. It didn't turn out the way I wanted it too, I drew this from a pic and turned the person into a barbie who looks like ten years older than she is, oh well. (To person in pic.) And if you ever visit this site and vaguely remember that stance and outfit, then don't get too freaked out, I had allready drawn a pic of every other photo I had, your pic was kinda the only thing left, and hoodies are so freakin fun to draw. Actually I just checked my pic, and it's a hoodie but I didn't draw the hood... odd, it must not have been in view in the pic, or maybe it didn't have one. Anyhoo, I didn't end up drawing a hoodied figure right away, I started doodling a wierd girl with some kinda elf like striped dress... so this is for you Cori. lol.


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Jhatonna Turner 16 Jul 2005

Yes I have to agree with Cor on the sleeves. Hey, draw more characters in hoodies even if its an animal or half human animal and well...you know what I mean. They seem to be in style and evrybody likes it and is attracted to it especially certain people who love to wear them all the time. At school every person you look at is wearing a frikin hoodi!!!

Cori Martin 06 Apr 2005

^o^ yaaaaaay! thankies joel! very nice picture, but her hair is kinda covering up the hoodie. oh well. i love how the folds in the sleeves look ^_^ put up another pic soon.