• Eri Ryuushinka
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  • Image 27 of 36
  • Added 02 Nov 2005
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Irian - My Fallen Wings

All right, this is the first of my 'My Wings' series. I would have taken this into my cleanup program if I'd have had the time, but I didn't, so for the time being the wings don't look that special. I'll take care of that when I get back home, though. The outfit was a problem to come up with, but easy to draw once I did (mostly...


Anonymous Guest

beverly hills 14 Nov 2005

Not to be a downer, but um, that pose doesnt look like "its all in the perpose of art", its provocative, but whatever. i think at least you can tell its a girl! ^-^ no im just kidding, its fine. i'd like to see more detail, your pictures lack body, and form, but mostly details: jewelry, hair pins, trims, patterns, gray scale and shading most of all. you should try shading it. it gives it more life. dont get to drunk in taiwan or where ever.

Artist Reply: Thanks, beverly hills-dono! I'll try harder to add detail! ^_^ I'll see you in a few days, and I hope you like the present I got you! O_O

Ashley Slice 05 Nov 2005

Hmm... well... I think it looks nice. And whether she's wearing a lot of clothes or not doesn't matter. Looking at it from the standpoint of art and not perverted it's nice. One of your best. And to Anonymous Guest: Art is a celebration of beauty. It's only perverted if you let it be. Now, as I said, Lovely drawing. Keep up the work hun. ^_~

Artist Reply: Thank you! oO_Oo I love you for life! o^_^o *didn't think someone would appreciate this picture just for the art* Arigatou gozaimasu arigatou gozaimasu arigatou gozaimasu! ^_^

Anonymous Guest 04 Nov 2005

easy to draw because she's basically naked you know that right?I really like your art that has costumes- they're pretty cool. I think you shoudl put more clothes on her because i hate naked art. And i guess you could say she isn't naked but this implies nudity really bad i mean, look at what she's wwearing-- a loincloth and um...a well...basically two loinclothes. So- yeah, wear clothes because naked=bad and i really dont like hentai art. So anyway I like wings but yeah...i dunno, this is to seductive style for my taste and i really have odd taste.. oh well- keep trying but put clothes because naked sucks