• Terry Harris
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  • Added 26 Mar 2006
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This is another of my former students, that were so kind to pose for me so I could learn to do portraits. Christian is a confident fellow, and always full of energy. He was a great model for me to do. I used my wacom tablet (hooks to computer) and Painter Classic software to do this portrait. I started with a blank screen/canvas. I used layers of airbruash, water brush tools, and some pastels to get this llook. A lot of blending tosoften the brush storkes to get a more natural look, a smoother surface.

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Jerry 28 Mar 2006

Great portrait and colors!

Artist Reply: Thank you! He was so fun to do, He enjoyed his portrait, helping me pick a pose, reviewing the coors, and picking photos he liked and ones he did not. I let the kids help me so that the work matches their tastes. He was wearing a striped green and yellow shirt the day I took photos, but had me do his shirt like this, using his favorite colors.

K L Marsala 26 Mar 2006

outstanding terry! you do this so very well

Artist Reply: Thank you! The children make the work so much fun, it's easy when I enjoy the work.

Christine brand 26 Mar 2006

Wow! this is very impressive work...especially since you didn't draw anything before hand...what a great portrait...he is so adorable and really is such a star. You have so much talent...I like the bright cheerful colors you used for this...they enhance his shinning spirit nicely...Cheers Terry!

Artist Reply: It's nice when you can use a split screen on the computer. I can scroll referrence photos on one side if I need, and work next to it. It's faster than tracing for me. I used to do children's wall murals for fun. It was easier the bigger the mural than a small drawing. You can see immediately if you're off proportions. I like to enlarge detailed areas to get closeups, like on the eye. Some of my work I did with software I hadn't figured out how to use fully, so had trouble with fine lines, like lashes. I've updated and figured out ways to correct that now. I'm so less clumbsy with the ability to undo on the computer. Less frustrated as well. (No mess, no clean up, no drying time. Now if I can just get the cost of new software to go lower, I'd be overjoyed! This child is one that is very self assured, and social. What a charmer. He was a joy to do, so full of life.

Sara Deutsch 26 Mar 2006

Glowing portrait, love the vibrant colors...

Artist Reply: Thank you! Vibrant colors used to be so scary to me once upon a time. LOL! Well, got over that! I love colors of all sorts, but find it often adds to my work when bright & vivd. My happy colors of art. Colors you see and ahh over, perk me up, and emote my emotions often into the works. Thanks for such kind words to me.

Joke Schotting 26 Mar 2006

Great work,Terry!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Joke! Children are so expressive when they are in the mood to pose. I let eachone choose their pose and take a photo so that they can approve of it. Sometimes they say, oh, my hair is messy. I explain, I don't paint that part!