• Jerry
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  • Added 05 May 2006
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Jack London

Four thousand years of history was written, carbon copied or drawn via a pen. Amazement rings loud and clear within my thoughts while realizing what pens have produced throughout our history as a people. A pen was among one of the first instruments or mediums in history and its usages upgraded society in many ways. For thousands of years pen and ink drawings dominated the marketplace before other mediums or instruments became invented. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine how other mediums have impacted society more than a pen!***** Investors love archived art mediums as well as collectors or our art community. Therefore, ISO or Din rated archival inks are a must have item if that part of society is of interest. Marketing, advertising, sales, public relations, production art and promotions are what our marketplace is based on along with money! Introducing a large undeveloped art medium or movement certainly is a tremendous task. Bold actions and years of assertiveness are needed to develop such actions if I was to be asked?****** Fine, graphic, commercial, design and cartoon art departments all use pens. Countless billions of dollars are brought in annually through the actions taken with pens, particularly ballpoints! Therefore, its mind-boggling how others think the power of the pen, is a humble medium. It seems to me that using a weak, unpopular, unsuccessful, or unsought art medium would represent a humble practice. Knowing your mediums influences are tremendously limited within your society is not too inspiring. Having a short history and narrowed support system certainly would be something else to consider.****** People like what they can relate to far more then something they never tried. Billions of people have written with a ballpoint, therefore what is being done within the art world becomes more personal then something never used, go figure. Simple things, simply work and common things commonly are popular. I am not inventing a new wheel! Me introducing a ballpoint half tone, dark rich colors, bold flowing lines are events that upgraded the mighty Pen & Ink Art movement, society or history. Several ballpoint pen companies are coming out with ISO or DIN archival rated inks, therefore our strength within the graphic art world remains factually steadfast.****** Pen & Ink drawings have been an International showcase or guideline of popularity and success within the world of lines! Throughout centuries ink drawings improved and elevated our world. Today, ballpoint pens bring new Marks of Excellence to the table, grid or storyboard that boldly changes old values or achievements of the past. Those of you or use that introduce this sleeping undeveloped giant art medium become recorded in art history, as did other artists of the past. Developing and recording ballpoint pen art history certainly at times is a humbling event. Art movements are made up of many people or artists. The popular or best artists most often become recorded in art history as those that started or developed a new medium not the weak an unproductive.***** Any artist might pickup theyre own ballpoint pen and produce art history! Just pickup a ballpoint and get busy getting busy. Art is a verb or action word therefore being prolific, bold and outgoing produces those results that puts people ahead of the game or on the map. Displaying your artistic abilities on a grid that gets plugged into our infrastructure brings bold, new or exciting things that certain can provide success. Introducing new styles, colors, tip sizes, topics and techniques are art history, newsworthy and something you could be doing. Promoting deals with what an instrument did in relations to other products, services, wants or needs of society.***** Does the greatest medium get called humble or should a weaker medium of influence claim that label?****** Jerry Stith


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joao silva 08 Feb 2008


Federica Bentivoglio 09 Nov 2007

well done! very nice work!

Ruth Kauffman 10 Jul 2007

Your work is totally brilliant, Jerry!!

michael rockwell 16 Feb 2007

several things to tell.i love jack london,especially because he produced the all time best book sellings with a pen.i love your whole idea behind the magic pen,which is simple ande powerfull.this is great art period!!!

eileen martin 08 Jan 2007

very nice work:)

shenur masters 07 Jan 2007

very beautiful did you make this by your self its like a masterpiece

Anonymous Guest 07 Jan 2007

very beautiful did you make this by your self its like a masterpiece

David Holcombe 31 Dec 2006

This was one of my favorite childhood authors. He built a magnificent home in California which burned to the ground the day before he was supposed to move in. Its ruins are still a tourist destination. Your intense backgrounds form a dramatic context for the subject. We can guess at the restlessness in his eyes.

Kelly Bartlett 24 Dec 2006

Awesome portrait, Jerry. :) Season's Greetings

Gerald Van Scyoc 27 Nov 2006

Ok, ditto everything Christine said - plus I'll just add that these portraits of people are great. Not a lot of people doing Jack London anymore. Can James Joyce be far behind? Alright now I'm going to go back to reading that bit over there on the left.

Christine brand 21 Nov 2006

Greetings Jerry! I missed this one...another example of your amazing accuracy and skill...I admire one who can be so proficient with a mediim that it is hard to erase or go over once a line or mark is laid down. Fabulous talent you possess. Thank you for looking at my work...although I have done some pen drawings I have not been so inclined as you to take this tool to the heights you have. I applaud you and your gift, you have used it wisely. I hope all that you do is blessed by Our Creator. Each time you comment on my work I am flattered. Thank you very much for all your thoughts. I truly hope that this season brings you love and happiness. Happy Thanksgiving and Thank God for all the wonderful work you have accomplished. Very impressive indeed. Sincerely CB

Anonymous Guest 01 Oct 2006

I know Jack London's grand daughter! Check out Oakland...

cynthia berridge 19 Sep 2006

stunning art work

Kwabena Poku 22 Aug 2006

Briliant work. Truely a masterpiece

Brenda Loveless 19 Aug 2006

you are quite the teacher as a writer, Jerry, a great gift in addition to your visual art mastery!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 09 Aug 2006


Elton Houck 03 Jun 2006

Great portrait of Jack London...I though he would look as rugged and adventurous as the life he lived.

Penny Myers 01 Jun 2006

You have great talent. I love your ink portrait and the framing just adds to the beauty.

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 19 May 2006

Yes, You are a great artist with a Great God given Talent. Another one of your Ink Masterpieces,Jerry!!!

Carla Klosowski 16 May 2006

Wonderful work Jerry!

Svitozar Nenyuk 15 May 2006

You are a great artist Jerry!

bianca thomas 13 May 2006

awsome portrait...wow...

Ginger Lovellette 07 May 2006

Awesome work!

Billy Lewis 06 May 2006

wow great detail. well done.

maureen older 06 May 2006

a wonderful portrait

mark jorgenson 06 May 2006

great job jerry!

Loredana 06 May 2006

Excellent........ Fantastic Portrait work Jerry :)

Nira Dabush 06 May 2006

Very beautiful portrait ,Jerry...wonderful expression..AWESOME WORK!

Vera Harned 05 May 2006

Awesome! Just beautiful work

thea walstra 05 May 2006

An awesome potrait and very interesting words/story

Emily Reed 05 May 2006

A fabulous portrait!

Chris Williams 05 May 2006

great portrait