• David Holcombe
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  • Added 29 May 2006
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Whitt's Dog as Cerberus (2006)

The Whitt's bear hound is portrayed as Cerberus, the three headed dog who guarded the Underworld. The dog prevented the dead from escaping Hades and the living from entering. It was charmed by Orpheus and abducted by Hercules. The Whitts wanted a standard dog portrait, but I had taken several views and couldn't resist the transformation to a mythical creature.

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Alberto D'Assumpcao 30 May 2006

Great imagery, David! Very symbolistic composition and excellent colours!!!

kathryn semolic 30 May 2006

Looks too good natured to pull off the Cerberus role, even with fangs bared! Wonderful blue noses, red-ringed spikes, and fanciful flames. I love your style.

Emily Reed 30 May 2006

Very cute!

kyle conway 29 May 2006


Artist Reply: Cerberus. I rechecked the spelling in a book about Greek Mythology. It was the three-headed dog who guarded the gates of Hades. Or is it just another dog portrait?

Vera Harned 29 May 2006

Super acrylic work!