San Francisco Market Street ca1941

Well Friends, Iam five days into applying pigment to the painting. I am painting the foreground first to make sure I don't lose the lines of the drawing which are erased by my arms as they rub against the paper as I paint the buildings in the background. Also by painting the sky first, the problems a large wash will cause by making the paper buckle, making it more difficult to paint the architectural detail. Once the background detail has been painted, and the painting is nearly complete, I can then go back and add depth by increasing the contrast and color intensity in the foreground if needed. I can also fresshen up and clean the forground if it gets a little grungey from contact with my forearms. You might also notice that the image in the full scene has parts that do not line up. That is because I used photmerge application in Photoshop to assemble parts of the painting that photographed seperately so I could control exposure and color better. I had to sacrifice some thing so I decided to sacrifice alignment of various sections of the painting.


Anonymous Guest

sheila stanley-powell 30 Dec 2007

your process is really fascinating to read and view. you must have infinite patience. one thing, though i'm sure with all your extensive experience you're probably familiar with what i'm going to suggest but on the off chance you haven't it might work for you. i don't knowwhat the technical name for the tool is but there are elevated clear acrylic bars that you place over your work and rest your hand on so you don't get any smudging from sweaty hands or misplaced elbows. they come in varying lenghts and i'm sure there's one to fit your needs. hope that helps ( not that i think you need it, but hey, every little bit helps to make the process easier)

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 22 Oct 2007

love the unfinished work!! all is marvellous, but this one I adore! sometimes less is more, but this is not a critic..YOU ARE GREAT!

Emilio B. Campo-Diaz 05 Jun 2006

Excellent work, I like it.

Terry Harris 04 Jun 2006

Wonderful work!!!

Rhonda Shereck 03 Jun 2006

thanks again for giving us a peek at how you work!

Reba McDonald 03 Jun 2006

Great detail Stanton.

Chris Williams 03 Jun 2006

great idea very original

Analua 03 Jun 2006

I adore your marvelous work Stanton!!!!

Emily Reed 03 Jun 2006


Anne Vis 03 Jun 2006

Interesting explanation and this promises to become another masterpiece of my favorite city! :-) Thanks for sharing!

thea walstra 03 Jun 2006

Excellent, very interesting and beautiful art again.