My latest painting is from my wife, Leigh's photo shoot with Michael "Bad Hand" Terry, Native American Indian, in July 2006. Leigh captured 350 "hi-res" photographs of Michael over a five hour shoot. I have gone through the group and I have actually hand-picked 119 shots that I want to paint. "Bad Hand" is his given Indian name. At his side, is his 18 year old paint, "Apache." Michael is an accomplished Actor, Stuntman, Authenticity Expert and Technical Consultant for nearly 50 motion pictures including "Dances With Wolves" and "Last of the Mohicans." He is currently the nation's most well- known authority on Plains Indian history. Michael's journeys take him all across the USA where he teaches, lectures and informs the curious public on Plains Indian history, culture, and corrects many of the myths and untruths propagated and compounded by generations of television and inaccurate historical portrayal. Michael's mission is to undo the misunderstandings about the Native Americans from history and show the kinder, gentler side of their survival as a culture.

Michael was kind enough to pose for me in Pinedale, Wyoming in July while he was there giving lectures on the Plains Indians history during the annual Mountain Man Rendezvous. All the clothing, regalia, props, jewelry and such are made by hand by Michael to accurately reflect Native American history. Michael is careful to explain, educate and nullify myths and legends about the Plains Indians history through demonstration, story-telling and careful and accurate responses to questions posed by his audiences. Michael has posed and been painted for the last 30 plus years by the likes of Frank McCarthy, James Bama, Howard Terpning, some of the nation's most well- known western artists.

In this image, Michael is dressed in authentic Comanche (time period 1870's) leggings, smock, and an otter hair hat. He is holding a US-made rifle designed especially for trade to the Indians. The stock of the U.S. government- issued rifle is covered with brass decorative tacks. The Native Americans loved brass tacks and traded many furs and other native artifacts with the white man for brass tacks, glass beads from Italy and other articles they found fascinating, fashionable and decorative. Michael is also wearing a buffalo skin coat, and although the original image was shot in a summer setting, this garment and the otter fur hat would normally have only been worn during the bitterly cold winter months on the plains. There are mittens hanging around his neck (out of view in this painting) that are also made of soft leather. They are designed so that the trigger finger is gloved alone while the remaining fingers are together. The trigger guard on the specially made rifles were designed with a large opening to allow for this single-gloved finger. It would be hard to feel the trigger or accurately judge the pressure on the trigger with an entire hand covered by a single mitten with only the thumb free. A lot of planning and effort went into making and trading items between the trades people and the Native Americans.

My portrayal here in full winter dress and, indicative of the harsh winter months suffered by the Plains Indians. This piece, appropriately titled, "First Snow" is the first in a series of "Bad Hand." I forwarded a .jpg of this image to Michael last evening. Much to my surprise, he responded right away and not only conveyed how much he was moved by this piece but also offered a trade of future modeling or other such services. This man has been photographed and painted by many artists over the years and he states he has never requested an original before mine! I am so humbled and honored at this request............. I am truly moved and speechless.

This piece is traditional oils on gesso-covered Masonite Claybord, painted to the finished edges measuring 18" x 24."

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cindy kelly 26 Jul 2012

Beautiful portrait--you do yourself proud.

Sheri Edwards 17 Jun 2009

You are an amazing artist. I'm going to check out your tutorials. Thanks so much for sharing.

Jonas Jonzén 15 Jan 2009

I like your artwork! Amazing

Susan Rounds 27 Sep 2008

Your work is absolutely breathtaking! What a gift you have......

Sheryl Boivin 30 Jul 2008

Beautiful! I am awed...thank you for sharing your talent with us!