• Frank Maguire
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  • Image 133 of 236
  • Added 10 Nov 2006
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Half-moon  Swimming Club.

The Half-Moon Swimming Club is for men only so they could get neked [sic]and admire each other and..............swim. But women have put a stop to their gallop by insisting on swimming there too. The naked man on the left is a priest, usually he came in a car and disrobed within the shelter of it's open doors, I couldn't show that so I gave him two alterboys and a towel. The Flagstones were laid by convict labour and under British rule it was very easy to be a convict in Ireland. The strange images in these flagstones are meant to depict the spirits of the convicts transferred by strong emotion to the stone.

5 of 7 Comments Show All 7 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 11 Aug 2010

Thanks Ruth, I spent a good part of my youth swimming there and listening to the stories of the old fogies who lined the bench, it was another slant to my education.

ruth sears 10 Aug 2010

oh I do love a good story,the painting is so interesting and unique,takes a bit of looking to see everything here,love your little added details.

Ana Johnson 04 Nov 2009

This is so so cool! I LOVE IT!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you Ana, I used swim there when I was a boy and a young man but I always wore swimming trunks. It was mostly older men who liked to go neked, repulsive though they were. Thank you for looking at my pictures .

margaret mckeehan 18 Aug 2008


Artist Reply: I am glad that you enjoyed my paintings Magaret.

Maria Murphy 29 Nov 2007

Great work.and I had a laugh too.!!!!!!

Artist Reply: I thought we did this a moment ago thnks for looking.