• Lisa Prentiss
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  • Image 13 of 17
  • Added 05 Jan 2007
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loving wolves from mural

These are the wolves from a mural I recently painted for my dear friends Tomianne and Andrew. They were supposed to represent the love Tomianne and Andrew have for each other. Originally the eyes were a silver blue as seen in this picture but I went back and painted over them with a green glaze so they would look green like Tomiannes eyes!


Anonymous Guest

Jennifer Hewitt 21 Feb 2007

wow so gorgeous wolves

Olga Lavoix 20 Feb 2007

Lovely scene!

Anonymous Guest 16 Feb 2007

LOVE THIS! someone told me to look at this awsome young artist! wanting a mural of the coast- i live in charleston ,s.c- are you able to travel # i will email direct- thanx Lynetta Simone

Anonymous Guest 14 Feb 2007

I love wolves and you have really captured them. Thanks for sharing.

Jeane Nevarez 29 Jan 2007

The wolves are so beautiful. I have never seen a muralist paint in so realistic and soft a style. It is lovely.

Jacqueline Bishop 29 Jan 2007

stunning work!!

Terry Bassett 27 Jan 2007

These are lovely Lisa.. excellent..:-)

Steve Farr 26 Jan 2007

Beautiful painting, Lisa! Very nice imagery, indeed!!

Artist Reply: Thank you for checking out my work! I love the kitty's and fruit..Congrats on top 10!

Pete Miller 26 Jan 2007

Beautiful Mural!..I am glad you decided to return to art and I am also glad you found AW...Welcome!

Nina Ribeiro 25 Jan 2007

This is stunning! Not only are you a great artist, you have that rare ability to be able to project and capture genuine emotion, whatever your subject, beautiful!

Brent Morrison 25 Jan 2007

Wow, its amazing u dont know any other artists, ur really good! great work!

Anonymous Guest 22 Jan 2007

The picture looks almost as good as our wall!!! We love you so much! We're your #1 fans!!! Our wall rocks! ~Tomianne & Andrew

Artist Reply: I love you too!!!!!!!! Thank you Tomianne for helping me realize my potential, if it weren't for you I'd still be hiding my artwork in a closet!

Seth Weaver 10 Jan 2007

Excellent animal portraits Lisa! Marvelous!

Vanessa Holmstrand 09 Jan 2007

BEAUTIFUL WORK, Lisa! I have always wanted to do a mural. You've captured great expressions in the wolves' faces. Well done.

Artist Reply: I waited until the whole mural was complete before painting in the wolves, so they were like a treat when I finally did get to them and I think that is the reason they turned out so well. Thank you! And to all who want to do a mural-DO IT! Its fun!!!

Tom and Susan Repasky 08 Jan 2007

This is excellent Lisa!! You do such impressive work!! These two wolves exude the emotion of love, with caring so very well seen!! Excellent job, and I am sure that your friends were ecstatic over this!!! ~S

Artist Reply: Thank you for such a beautiful comment.

Sophie Marie Belinsky 08 Jan 2007

This is so beautiful!

Artist Reply: Thank you Sophie!!

Anonymous Guest 08 Jan 2007

sorry! i didn't read about the mural= i told you i'm new at this! still think your work is great! -sabastion

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Sebastion! I'm new at this too so dont feel bad! Have a beautiful day!

Anonymous Guest 08 Jan 2007

this is my first visit - the eyes are what caught me! great job! was this your house or a client? -sabastion

Artist Reply: Thank you So much! I did this for a friend who was also a client :-) My first MURAL. Ive done smaller things before, but this was my 1st real mural!

Delia Pacheco 07 Jan 2007

very nice! and a mural at that!

Artist Reply: Thank you Delia...you know, I can not draw a horse to save my life! Yours are beautiful!

Yiming Qin 07 Jan 2007

Aww...They are sooo cute! I can really feel the mood in the picture

Anton Bedarev 07 Jan 2007

Truly great work, very impressive and tender.

Artist Reply: Thank you for checking out my stuff Anton!

mark lane 07 Jan 2007

Lovely work, Lisa.

Ruth Kauffman 06 Jan 2007

Great painting, Lisa! I liked the one with the mural and you holding your adorable little girl also! :)

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Ruth, and congratulations on being TOP 10!

John Enright 06 Jan 2007

much love in this work. good job.

Artist Reply: Thank you so much! You are an amazing artist to say the least so it is an honor for you to comment on my work!

george martinez 06 Jan 2007

very tender image, they look so inoffensives

Artist Reply: Thank you I was going for a tender look

Janet Gioffre Harrington 06 Jan 2007

really nice work,, Lisa! I bet they LOVE it for a LONG time!

Artist Reply: I really hope so! Just to let you know, it was your mural work that made me want to show mine. Your "A NEW DAWN" is my favorite! Thanks for being so supportive!

helen tyralik 06 Jan 2007

lovely work

Jerry 06 Jan 2007

Superb or most excellent painting!

Artist Reply: Thank you Jerry for commenting on my work! Congratulations on being in the Top 10! All of your work is very interesting and detailed!

Anonymous Guest 05 Jan 2007

Lisa you are a very talented artist. Well rounded. I love the wolves as much as your people. Keep up the good work You will go places girl. Love to your Mother, Crazy Uncle Melvin

Kathryn Arruda 05 Jan 2007

I absolutely love the expressions on these beautiful wolves, wonderful mural work!

thea walstra 05 Jan 2007

Outstanding, very beautiful art

Artist Reply: Thea-Congrats on being TOP 10!

Randy Nore 05 Jan 2007

Nice picture!!!I like how the wolves are different colors,they make each other stand out.

Artist Reply: Thanks Randy!!! :)

Tabitha Borges 05 Jan 2007

nice blends and creative details..:0(

Artist Reply: Thanks, I had fun with this one!

Cindy Luke 05 Jan 2007

Very beautiful You are very talented. Keep up the work

Artist Reply: Thank you so much for the encouragement!

Anonymous Guest 05 Jan 2007

very pretty!!! they look soooo life like:) *beth*

Artist Reply: Thank you BETHY