• linda duffy
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  • Image 14 of 40
  • Added 12 Mar 2007
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A GIFT OF LIFE A mom is gods luv in action She looks with her heart and feels with her eye's A mom is a bank accout where her children deposit all their hurt and fears A mom is the cement that keeps her family together and her luv last's a lifetime ... Hi all this piece was painted about 4 and haf years ago and i will never in my lifetime part with it ...it started off as a design piece for an interior my sisters were working on... it was painted in a lanscape format... on finishing my days work on this piece i stood it upright to dry off and left it alone ...when i returned to do the finishing work on this piece this is the image that was before me ...i highlighted what was already there and as u can now see this was the result .... three weeks later i found out i was expecting my 7th baby ....which was a total and utter shock... as i didnd need any more blessing's from god.. haha anyway we were blessed once more so now u know why i can never part with this piece i think it was a message the god lord was sending me to soften the blow ...so 2 speak haha ...hope u like it as much as i do .....the meaning i took from this was .... yes maybe it was a shock in my life 2 have another baby but there is light at the end of the tunnel and the babe in my womb was golden and special as u moms out der will notice most about this babe in the womb his head is not in the birth position ..and the strange thing was neither was my son he was born in the breech position ...tnxs all for havin a look... cheers linda dont no whether im the mom or the artist on this piece haha xxxxxxxxx

5 of 40 Comments Show All 40 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Inspire Art 09 Dec 2007

fabulous colors, fabulous shape and form.

sidney orr 19 Aug 2007

very very expressive! Sid

Anonymous Guest 14 May 2007

God works in mysterious ways!? This is truly a creative piece Linda.

Liz Robinson 06 May 2007

Lovely painting Linda, I can understand why you wouldn't want to part with it.

syed abrar 01 May 2007