• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 16 Apr 2007
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The world will never forget...

Today is Holocaust day,in Israel. At 10:00 am this morning , loud sound of Siren for one minute, made the whole people of Israel,stand still.Cars stopped,until this sound of Siren stopped.One minute ,to remember the horror of holocaust,in which 6 million of Jewish were killed in cruelty .Today at 5:00 p.m. started the "Parade of LIFE",From Auschwitz to Birkenshow,in which 5000 youth take part.TV Programs this week,in Israel will be dedicated to commemorate the events of Holocaust. The world must never forget ........Copyrights (c)Nira Dabush


Anonymous Guest

Les Jobes 24 Apr 2007

Stirring, heart retching write up, and posting. You are so right my friend " THE WORLD MUST NEVER FORGET".

Barry Huyett 20 Apr 2007

great. We ALL must never forget!!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Barry for your thoughts and comments...all the very best ,NIRA

annette steens 19 Apr 2007

Great done! We will never forget indeed, but today there is no difference! In spite of! So it does not help to think about the dead. We must change our negative thoughts, our negative behaviour, our negative words we are using. Change all to positive! It's work, very hard work but The Solution for Peace! Forgive first yourself and others and live in the great Light! That means: Lost of EGO! Ego makes war, makes problems makes everything negative. There is a big difference by human love or God love! The last don't know nothing about human love at all! It's just one great love, again: no ego!!! I am happy you use art too for creating more peace! Thank you!

Artist Reply: Dear Annette thanks so much for your thoughts and comments...I'm not saying that to think of the dead people is the solution ,but to me personally and to many others,this Holocaust day has alot of significances.And of course it has nothing to do with ego also...This is a small reminder, perhaps also as act of respect to the innocent victims ...or to us all,or at least to those who wish to remember those horrible events .To acknowledge the fact,that those events occurs and with true hopes that such thing may never again will happen anywhere in the world against no religion or race......With the understanding that we ALL People of the world, has the right to live peacefully .Its like a SAYING...It was most horrible war ever happen in history...May we never know any kind of war or terror ,or any kind of violent act anywhere on this planet...Unfortunately the Nazis movement exist in some parts of the world and getting more powers also,and you even can see it here in AW. Annette ,like yourself I am a great believer of positive thinking...but as i'm sure you know ,not ALL people think this way...so how will you convince others in positive thinking...you can try do so with few of your close friends.I wish the whole world will think positively and make a world of peace...Is that reality nowadays...?...I wish...and i can pray in positive thinking...it might help a bit :-)...Personally,I have no anger against myself or rancor to no one...I can be example to my kids or few of my friends ,only if they wish to follow my steps...So...me and you will pray for peace...for a world being a better place to live in...and may more people will think positively this way...Love and peace for GREAT LIGHT,Nira

julie Marks 19 Apr 2007

Fabulous representation of the horror and evil of a time we will never forget. The holocaust is such an alarming example of human cruelty that it is overwhelming. Unfortunately, we have not learned from the past as the terror continues on a massive scale with the wars in Iraq and in other regions of the world. The tragedy of the students who died at Virginia Tech University underscores the need to remind us of the futility of violence and war. Your painting is a powerful statement to send the world a message that the insanity must stop!!

Artist Reply: Yes...Julie...you are right...the insanity of wars and terror must stop...We had a reminder of a terrible tragedy at the WT University, just 2-3 days ago ,which reminded me of another terror attack , by suicide bomber we had here in July,31 2002..at the student's cafeteria in the Hebrew university in Jerusalem...in which many died and many others wounded.As a non- political person,I can only pray and wish for a better world...and try to believe and think positively that the world can be a better place...Thanks so much for your comments...enjoy your day! Nira

Jean M. Laffitau 19 Apr 2007

A very, very powerful work and message! Excellent Nira!!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much ,Jean...enjoy your day,Nira

Anonymous Guest 18 Apr 2007

Hi again Nira.. Just a side note to Holocaust survivors. Have you heard about the shootings at Virginia Tech University, 32 killed and 12 wounded by one crazy gunman. One of the worst atrocities at a school in the US ever. Well I have a story for you ... One of the professors in one of the classrooms was a Holocaust survivor, he lived to live again here in the US. He became a professor and ended up teaching at VT on the day this happened. This professor held and bared the door with his body while the gunman fired many shots through the door, eventually killing the elderly professor. The professor, was last seen by the last student to make it out the window, while the professor was holding the gunman off at the door. Because of this professor, 30 of his students, lived to live again. I thank God for survivors of the Holocaust. This event happened on the very day of comemoration of the Holocaust Suvivors, 59,999 now ... I think it is an amazing thing this man did. Truly heroic, if anything positive can come from this tragic event, would be that this man laid down his life for 30 of his students... ...jeff...

Artist Reply: Hi again,Jeff and YES,we heard about this so sorrowful tragic event on the news and in newspapers.Such event can't be captured by any normal logic.It is so symbolic that this occurs particularly on the very day of commemoration of the Holocaust Suvivors ....Yet so saddening...It's not the first time that I hear about holocaust survivor that survived the holocaust but could not escape another tragic event in his/her life...This professor at VT university definitely had the outstanding resourcefulness ... I think its kind of a miracle that he manage to save his students......He was a hero...and this brave act of his, show his love and his value to people's life. Again ,Jeff thanks so much for sharing ALL of us here in AW With this piece of information...I think its more then important people of the world know.All the very best,Nira
Artist Reply: May the memory of Professor Liviu Librescuo will be blessed...May he rest in peace...

Ruth Kauffman 18 Apr 2007

It's hard to look upon this, Nira, but it's sooo true... we need always to remember this horrific time in history!!! Thank you for your tribute, my friend!!!

Artist Reply: Dear Ruth thanks so much for viewing and commenting this work .Have a wonderful peaceful evening,Nira

Joke Schotting 17 Apr 2007

My pic off the day dear Nira Agree with Alberto!!

Artist Reply: Thanks so very much dearest Joke...have a splendid day...full of light and love,Peace...nira

Olga van Dijk 17 Apr 2007

The horror of holocaust should never be forgotten. Thanks for your beautiful and very intensive tribute Nira... Let you voice talk Nira so at least the ArtWanted world will hear what you have to tell... Love and Light~OLGA

Artist Reply: Thanks so very much dear Olga...for your words and voice...LOVE ,LIGHT AND PEACE,nira

Alberto D'Assumpcao 17 Apr 2007

Spectacular composition, dear Nira!!! A Perfect memorial to a dramatic moment of our History!!! Wishing never more to see nothing like that! ( I'm not so sure!...)

Artist Reply: Good morning dear Alberto and thanks for your comments,my friend.I hope such things will never happen again...but I'm so sorry to say that there are still movement of Nazis around the world,it really makes me sad.I know I can't change the world,but at least I am a small voice in the world,and it is important people of the world to remember,especially when there are some who said the holocaust is invention...its even more important,here where there are artists who create in the name of Nazis movement...Yesterday totally tired,just before I went to sleep,I post this to honor the memory of so many innocent victims......Because even if my voice is so quite...at least some will hear.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As soon as I manage my time I'll reply to more of you my friends,I think each voice is so important.SO....Thanks so very much to ALL...Love & Peace all over the world,Nira

Thom Roslan 17 Apr 2007

Powerful Image......my dear friend ! I hope & pray we "never" forget this artocity.....we better NOT.......It might be US the next time !!!

Artist Reply: My dear friend......I'll join you for payers and hopes that we shall never forget...thanks so very much for your comments...have a splendid day ,NIRA

philip pownall 16 Apr 2007

this really cuts to the bone. courageous work.

Artist Reply: thanks so very much for your comments dear Philip,i'm not at all that courageous...those people who had to live through that terrible era and through those horroble events ,that were part of their everyday reality, were the courageous ones.Those soldiers who came to stop the killing machine of NAZIS were the brave ones.... my work was just a small duty for me to do,as a reminder......have a splendid day,Nira

Emily Reed 16 Apr 2007


Artist Reply: thanks so very much for your comments dear Emily..and indeed we must remember..have a splendid day,Nira

geoff cooper 16 Apr 2007

Dear Nira.... I felt the horror of the past when I visited Belson while in the Royal Navy... it was so silent, even the birds were absent... dreadful... our thoughts and love are with you and your people at this time.

Artist Reply: Dear geoff thanks so very much for your thoughts and words...I visited myself in Dachao ,Germany when I was teenager (16)..Nowdays many Israeli youth are going to visit those camps in Poland and Germany,arranged by schools...teachers says after the kids see those sites ,they ome back home diffeent...The world must remember......have a wonderful day,NIRA

Lili Segal 16 Apr 2007

Many thanks, Dear Nira, for sharing your great work of art with all AW members. The importance of memory grows as the phenomenon of Holocaust denial is rising, and as Holocaust survivors pass away. Let us hope that the world will never forget and will not let horrors like that to happen again...

Artist Reply: thanks so very much for your comments dear Lili..it is more then important that people will remember those trrible events,and i hope many people saw your post for holocaust day as well...have a splendid day,Nira

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 16 Apr 2007

Powerful Art that speaks of a Horrific time in History!!!My heart and David's weep when we think of the Holocaust!!God Bless, with Love and Prayers to You my Dear Friend and your Family!!! Peace to Israel!!!

Artist Reply: Dearest Dee & David..thanks so very much for your comments..My heart and eyes cry too.Since I was a young kid,I was exposed to these holocauset stories...still...Whenever I see such photos and TV programs, MY EYES SIMPLY CAN'T STOP CRYING...and my mind can't understand that horrors of holocaust..Thanks for the card as well,sorry for not repling sooner,but you see yesterday ,a day after holocaust day,TO MAKE A GREAT DIFFERENCE..was a great reason to be happy,my very best girlfriend got married :-)at age of 42 after so many years of waiting to such moment in her life........ May we ALL Know only moments of happiness and LOVE...My love to you and your family...have a splendid day,Nira
Artist Reply: GOD BLESS!!..

Laurie Rawdon 16 Apr 2007

truly powerful piece for a cause that couldn't be more important,,,,for if our children forget they may be doomed to repeat that type of atrocity. Thank you so much Nira for this!

Artist Reply: thanks so very much for your comments dear LAURIE...TRUE ,its so imortant for the next generation to learn the lesson of that terrible horroble war...with a prayer for peace all around the world...have a splendid day,Nira

cathy sharpe 16 Apr 2007

Poignant work, and so should be, to forget is like to forgive and forsake the lost !

Artist Reply: thanks so very much for your comments dear Cathy..have a splendid day,Nira

Joanna Jungjohann 16 Apr 2007

Mercy; this is mercy week for catholics ......the world needs to learn mercy, I pray as such, thank you nira, showing this , people should not ever forget, no matter the race or religion, such heinous acts were committed .........peace mercy and grace to all ............

Artist Reply: thanks so very much for your comments dear Joanna..although i'm jewish,I very much agree with you my dear friend......Afterall we are all people,no matter what religion or race we born into...we must all respect each other for each other beliefes ...have a splendid day,Nira

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 16 Apr 2007

we will never forget...just thoughts, cannot find words...

Artist Reply: sometimes words are not needed or can't be expressed ..thanks so very much for your comments dear Nelly..have a splendid day,Nira

Patty Day 16 Apr 2007

Thanks for sharing your art!!! The world will never forget!!!!!

Artist Reply: thanks so very much for your comments dear Patty..have a splendid day,Nira

Reba McDonald 16 Apr 2007

It will never be forgotten.

Artist Reply: thanks so very much for your comments dear Reba...it must not forgotten...have a splendid day,Nira

Loredana 16 Apr 2007


Artist Reply: thanks so very much for your comments dear Loredana..have a splendid day,Nira

Jeff Richardson 16 Apr 2007

Nira, I have seen many photos like this one. My Father who was a soldier in WWII was among the first to liberate these camps. The site was terrible, thank goodness they had a camera to document the reality. The photos were sent to a museum in New York that specializes in war crimes aginst Jewish prisoners of WWII. Your picture brings back the shocking reality of it all. I am one who will never forget, Thanks for the posting Nira ... Jeff Richardson

Artist Reply: Hi there dear Jeff and thanks so very much for taking your time to visit my portfolio,view and comment.I thank your father and many such as himself, that had the courage to fight in that horrible WWII.Photos like this and other are so important to show young generations what happened then.In Israel especially in Holocaust day (not sure about other countries ) every year, All people are exposed in all ways that are possible to photos ,films ,movies...memorial ceremonies talks...documents to stories ...sometimes personal stories...Although I'm sure no photo nor any document could have showed the terrible sites ,which were part of the reality of WWII.That reality of WWII,That can't be understoodable to any normal logic.I thank soldiers those who took those photos also.... knowing that the Nazis themselves made documents of their crimes with great "pride"......Still there are about 60,000 holocaust living survives...For the next generations also photos like this are so important...so difficult to watch...With a prayer in my heart that such things will never happen nowhere around the world against any religion or race........Have a wonderful day,Jeff...I hope you are well...

Karen Cash 16 Apr 2007

the horror is immense...powerful image indeed

Artist Reply: Thanks so much ,Karen for taking your time to view and comment...indeed the horror was immense......Have a wonderful day,NIRA

jennifer blenkinsopp 16 Apr 2007

very powerful, image, and very well done too.

Artist Reply: Thank you ,Jennifer for your comments...have a wonderful day,Nira