• Dillon Karchner
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  • Image 8 of 9
  • Added 22 Oct 2003
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Scuba Diving

My self portrait. Of course, it was a younger me. I came across this pic when looking throughout my entire childhood photoalbums (500+ pics total) and out of thoes, this was by far my favorite. (The bruises picture was taken as my second favorite.) I love this picture to death on more than one level. For one, it is a great picture in it's content. Nice focusing. But all above that, it reminds me of a very specific childhood memory happening during the most enjoyable experiences I can think of. Which would be going on vacation with my family together down to North Carolina. (back when my Dad was still with my mom) This picture was taken just outside of a beech hotel we stayed at. I remember their pool was nice and warm to cool off in a really hot temperature. I remember there were a lot of different people there, and my older sister, Linday's boyfriend Mike. Reguarding the straw, I can quite vividly recall watching a Looney Toons episode where Daffy Duck used a straw to hide underwater from Elmer Fudd. I wanted to try it for myself, but failed miserably afterwards. =) I am quite sure even my mom doesn't know why I had the straw in my mouth, even though I've been carrying it around with me all that day. =) Now this artwork is currently at my grandparent's house. I love this artwork so dearly, that It have must be shared with who may enjoy it even more than myself.

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Anonymous Guest

Jerry 29 Jan 2006

Good portrait, strong contrast, soft touch and cute child.

Sherrie Kostura 01 Jan 2006

Dillon...this is one of my favorite pencil drawings you have done. It reminds me so much of my own son, Justin, when he was at this age. He is also 20 years old, which makes this drawing that much more special to me. Keep on drawing...you definitely acquired the same gift that God gave your parents!

marieanna missen 19 May 2005

Wow this is wonderfull,with great shading skills!

Cynthia J 23 Aug 2004

I think this is one of your strongest drawings in your portfolio. You chose a good pic. I think you did the eyes very well. I would add some more black to the picture, as your eye is kind of automatically drawn to the hair since it's the only very dark thing in the picture. Not bad.

BethRandall BrianRoss 27 May 2004

very well done!