• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 24 Sep 2007
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Surreal Wave

Late at night as I look out of my window across the wide expanse of the lake that surrounds me. I see the darkness split open by a flashing explosion of charged particles illuminating the rolling sea around me. What grandeur and power there is in this undulating wetness that slaps the shoreline with a primal creative ferocity that only Nature can muster. All manner of creatures, including myself, seek refuge when the demiurge hurls it's lightning bolts and causes the sea to boil and roll. My attempt to capture this moment with my oils can only mirror a small part of what my soul feels. I am humbled by my ineptitude to seize, with my paints and canvas, this spectacular, unfolding and panoramic event. The ancients have said that "a picture is worth a thousand words". My wish is that this picture in some small way does exactly that. visionary imagist "Joey"


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brenda coster 28 Sep 2007

Oh, I love this. Great movement and color!

Artist Reply: Brenda: Thank you for saying such nice things about my art. I really appreciate your words and friendship.

Maria Murphy 27 Sep 2007

This is beautiful work,Visionary.

Artist Reply: Maria: Thanks for your continuing support and kind comments. I do value your opinions and look forward to seeing your name upon my screen.

Tahnja Wolter 27 Sep 2007

What a beautiful painting although at the moment I feel like I'm floating out there in the middle of nowhere.....please pray for me Joey.....

Artist Reply: Tahnja: I am so glad that you enjoy my artwork. I do so appreciate your support and kindness. I hope all is well. Take care. Thank you

Paul Traudt 27 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Paul: Thank you for taking time and stopping back into my little gallery. I value your opinions! Thanks.

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 26 Sep 2007

STUNNING Abstract art!!!Fantastic brushwork with great movement!!!

Artist Reply: Dee: I love working in oils they are so freeing. I am glad that you enjoyed this little piece. I value your input. Stop back anytime and I will be stopping by your site as well.

Brigitte Hintner 26 Sep 2007

Wow, I'm running out of words.....I feel as if I were there watching and listening to the soft waves and could lost myself in it ..... this is o beautifully done ! Thanks for posting ! :-)

Artist Reply: Brigitte: Your kind comments have brought a smile to my heart. I do so value your artwork and your opinions. Thanks for stopping by and do so anytime.

Joanna Jungjohann 26 Sep 2007

wow, powerfeul work in glorious colors

Bluemoonshadow 25 Sep 2007

Beautiful painting...caught the light just perfect...:)) Have you ever seen the tiny universe in the water at night time, Joey?? They are like little stars everywhere inside the water... This painting brought back some nice memories... thanks~!!

Artist Reply: Bluemoonshadow: To see the universe in a drop of water or a grain of sand is mystical and quite beautiful too. I value the moments spent in doing such fine enterprises such as you have said. The world would be a much better place if all took time to do so. Namaste! My friend!

jamie winter 25 Sep 2007

awesome piece this is magnificiant!~

Artist Reply: Jamie: Wow, thanks! Your sharing is deeply appreciated by me. Hope to see your new works as well. Thanks again!!

titta inkinen 25 Sep 2007

Joey, there's such a magical light in your painting! The light plays with all those tones - just wonderful, wonderful phenomenon! Definitely one of my favourites from you.

Artist Reply: Titta: Your opinions are valued by me and I always appreciate seeing your name upon my screen. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing your new works as well. thanks again!

Steve Farr 24 Sep 2007

Wonderfully foreboding waves on display here!!! Awesome imagery!!! ^_^

Artist Reply: Steve: thanks for taking the time to comment. I look forward to seeing your art as well. Stop back again anytime.

Nikolay Semyonov 24 Sep 2007

a most impressive moment is now that the story and the picture have merged into a single context. wonderful work!

Artist Reply: Nikolay: Thanks for noticing and commenting on my little attempt. I value deeply your opinions and respect your artwork as well. Thank you!

mahesh konsam 24 Sep 2007

i really can see the picture in ur mind Joey !! Preety expression !! outstanding painting !!----MesHsaM

Artist Reply: Mahesh: Thank you taking the time to share with me again. I do so appreciate your insights and value your input. Thanks again!

Emily Reed 24 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Emily: I do enjoy the freeing that abstracts bring about. The oils seem to have been made to explore the wonders of colors and canvas. Thank you for your kindness.

merle cruser 24 Sep 2007

Wonderful draw into the waves, I could get lost in this work. That I guess is the danger of natures fury. We must take better care of the world. Wonderful work. I think you accomplished anger and beauty.

Artist Reply: Merle: It is always nice to see your work as well. I am glad that you enjoyed this little piece. I am still catching up with all my work at my gallery. Thanks for sharing my friend!

Cindy Lemoi 24 Sep 2007

Outstanding work Joey !

Artist Reply: Cindy: Thanks for taking the time to share with me. I do enjoy your artwork as well and value your input.

Renata Cavanaugh 24 Sep 2007

Fantastic artwork!

Artist Reply: Renata: Seeing your name on my screen always brings a smile to my heart. Thanks for sharing with me!

Laurie Rawdon 24 Sep 2007

The power and force of the waves are right here in front of me...giving me a glimpse of your world and the beauty that surrounds you. This is beautiful Joey!!

Artist Reply: Laurie: Thanks for your friendship and also your kind remarks. I value your opinions. Thanks again!

Anneke Hut 24 Sep 2007

I think that you have very well succeeded in mirroring, Joey. It's like I can feel the wind and smell the water. It's wonderful how you captured the darkness in it, it will have been difficult to not just paint dark coloured water, but really the light coming through. Great painting!

Artist Reply: Anneke: I really enjoy taking my oils and allowing them to take me on a journey into my canvas. It is so freeing to have fun painting. I am glad that you enjoyed my attempt. Always enjoy hearing your words. Thank you my friend!

Samina Islam 24 Sep 2007

Wow beautiful painting, simple subject but very interesting.

Artist Reply: Samina: Thank you for taking time and sharing with me. I do so appreciate you doing so and hope to see more of your work as well. Stop back anytime. Thanks!

Sharon Henson 24 Sep 2007

Great flow and colour. Wonder piece of work.

Artist Reply: Sharon: Sometimes I just like having fun with my paints and this was one of them. Thanks for noticing and commenting so nicely. Stop back again anytime.

Jamie Nice 24 Sep 2007

Outstanding oil painting

Artist Reply: Jamie: I do so enjoy the freeing nature of oils. I am glad that you enjoyed this piece and I hope to see more of your work as well. thanks for stopping by. Do so anytime!

Anne Vis 24 Sep 2007

Great work!

Artist Reply: Anne: Oil paints are so much fun in the way they flow upon the canvas. There is just this simple movement that they create that brings a happiness to this simple artist that I enjoy. Thanks again for stopping by and commenting. Love your work as well!

Staci McCarty 24 Sep 2007

I love the movement in this painting. Very nice.

Artist Reply: Staci: Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my artwork. I do so appreciate fine accomplished artists, such as yourself, remarks. Please stop back again soon and thank you!!