• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 29 Sep 2007
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BUDDHA GREETING YOU IN THE GARDEN paintography by Michael Forbus QUOTE BY Albert Einstein. The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description... If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism. Albert Einstein


Anonymous Guest

joe valcourt 08 Nov 2007

fine creative work and the remarkable statement by Einstein needs to be shouted from the pulpits and the halls of Congress.

Artist Reply: Joe, funny that they teach his theories in Physics and Chemistry and deep scientific data but when it comes to matters of a spiritual nature which is probably the most poignant of all his theories. Thanks so much for your support and encouragement. You are a master at what you do and I really respect that. Your philosophy is also so aligned with mine. Thanks to God for that. My appreciation to your for all and your work is outstanding. Michael

julie Marks 08 Oct 2007

I adore this piece for its beauty and message to all of us that global and spiritual unity is necessary to heal ourselves and repair the damage to our planet. Resisting the profound need to find harmony and spiritual belief systems, Buddhism offers us a deeply spiritual life without religious dogmatic views that have proven to be dangerous and destructive to the survival of mankind. Despite religious wars and the lack of global unity in our personal and collective unconscious, people have resisted one universal "cosmic" religion of enlightenment that encourages spiritual, personal and universal harmony. I have looked at your recent work and your pairing of thought provoking wisdom from the great thinkers with your stunning artwork is inspiring and brilliant fuel for the human spirit. I wish we could eradicate the nature of human evil as so brilliantly described in the book by Scott Peck, People of the Lie. Maybe the Milagro King could be one of the leaders to create a more peaceful and harmonous time peopled with natural and evolved beings that Einstein prophetically knew would be found in the Garden Of Buddha. John Lennon says it so well in his classic song, "Imagine." I recently took some photos that look very similiar where the Buddhist birds live. I planned on imparting the same message that will reinforce the wisdom of your profound messages in a time of great upheaveal and mass destruction on Planet Earth. We need more "Miracle Kings" from Eureka Springs :)

Artist Reply: Julie, it is the spirit in most that is wounded and no amount of religion and dogma will heal that. We must quiet the inner self and do a vast inventory of what it is that troubles us and troubles others about us, only then are we able to correct the issues. If all practiced that a few minutes a day and felt the sameness in all of us, the desire to be loved, the desire to give love freely, our need to assist each other in our endeavors and as you and I do with ease, converse deeply with one another. We have many allies and they are now working on the mass healing. Never have so many been aware of the charlatans that run our earth and the greed that has tried to take over but they are falling one by one as it is written. The true answer is our tributes to the Gods with our arts dedicated to our Gods purely and without need for reciprocity. As you give wisdom to me, I pass it to others and it will become manifest destiny. First one must have GRATITUDE, the ultimate faith and the we are given the deserved PROSPERITY of health and bounty, but only in that order. You are a wise shamanistic woman and many listen to your wisdom and it is our quest to always bring the conversation to this end. As we speak now to each other, heart to heart. My love and affection you and your family and those sweet sweet doggies of yours who I hope someday lick the whiskers off my face. My best regards to you and as always, we pontificate but we waste no words. Michael

monique cooper 05 Oct 2007

Oh so rich and striking peice!!!!!... happy and spritiual al at the same time!!!

Artist Reply: Monique, thank you so much for your kind remarks. You really are a gracious woman and so kind for your comments and friendship. My thanks from the heart. Michael

monique cooper 05 Oct 2007

Oh so rich and striking peice!!!!!... happy and spritiual al at the same time!!!

Artist Reply: Monique, thank you so much for your kind remarks. You really are a gracious woman and so kind for your comments and friendship. My thanks from the heart. Michael

monique cooper 05 Oct 2007

Oh so rich and striking peice!!!!!... happy and spritiual al at the same time!!!

Artist Reply: Monique, thank you so much for your kind remarks. You really are a gracious woman and so kind for your comments and friendship. My thanks from the heart. Michael

monique cooper 05 Oct 2007

Oh so rich and striking peice!!!!!... happy and spritiual al at the same time!!!

Artist Reply: Monique, thank you so much for your kind remarks. You really are a gracious woman and so kind for your comments and friendship. My thanks from the heart. Michael

monique cooper 05 Oct 2007

Oh so rich and striking peice!!!!!... happy and spritiual al at the same time!!!

Artist Reply: Monique, thank you so much for your kind remarks. You really are a gracious woman and so kind for your comments and friendship. My thanks from the heart. Michael

monique cooper 05 Oct 2007

Oh so rich and striking peice!!!!!... happy and spritiual al at the same time!!!

Artist Reply: Monique, thank you so much for your kind remarks. You really are a gracious woman and so kind for your comments and friendship. My thanks from the heart. Michael

Jessica Courtley-Rose 04 Oct 2007

So very colorful and positive. Well done!

Artist Reply: Jessica, thank you so much for your kind and gracious comments. I really appreciate them. Very kind of you, Michael

Analua 04 Oct 2007

A aura of peace and enchantment!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Analua, I really appreciate your kind comments. So very nice of you. Michael

annette steens 02 Oct 2007

love your work and the words of einstein!

Artist Reply: Annette, thank you so much for your kindness. It was coincidental, if there is such a thing for me to be reading some research on Einstein when I came across this quote. I was working on the piece at the time. So i quoted his very astute words. My thanks to you for your kindness and continued support for my work. You are very kind. Michael

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 02 Oct 2007

marvellous subject and work!!!!!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you so very much Nelly, You are so kind and gracious. Michael

Samina Islam 02 Oct 2007

Michael lovely work like it a lot wondeful colors!!

Artist Reply: Samina, my gratitude to you. I love the work you do as well. Wonderful and full of grace and life. I am appreciative of your kind words. Michael

Carrie Ann Watson 02 Oct 2007

This is gorgeous Michael! Lovely color around him! :)

Artist Reply: Carrie Ann, my thanks to you for your kindness and gracious comments. I really appreciate your sweet words. Michael

Izabella Pavlushko 01 Oct 2007

love this work, Michael, well done ! ~Izabella

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Izabella, I appreciate your kindness and great comments. Michael

Carliss Mora 30 Sep 2007

Gorgeous colors, Miguel! Interesting work, too!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Carliss, I appreciate your kindness and gracious comments. My appreciation to you. Michael

Joke Schotting 30 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Joke, thank you so very much for your kind remarks. I really appreciate your support and great comments. You are always so positive about my work and I really appreciate it. Michael

thea walstra 30 Sep 2007

Beautiful, sunny colors and fantastic work Michael. Have a wonderful sunday!

Artist Reply: Thea, thank you so much, good friend. I sure appreciate all your support and comments over this time. Thea, have you been making art. They haven't notified me of any new work of yours, maybe I should reenlist you for Artwatch. I haven't been getting you on my list. Have a gorgeous day. Michael

Alexandra Dvinitninova 30 Sep 2007

Unfortuantely, religion always was and will always remain a political tool.

Artist Reply: Alexandra, you are right about that, but the true believers in the higher beings are devoted and have no goal except the nirvana of knowing spirituality. It is when greed of organized religion takes over, that the politics then breed dissent and that would be the negative forces influencing the devoted. At least that is the way I see it. You are correct in the final outcome. Michael

Robin Brown 30 Sep 2007

Spread the word Michael, Peace & love. That should be our goal. Stunning colourful work of art Michael.

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Robin, I really appreciate your friendship and all your encouraging words. You are a true friend. Michael

Lior Goldenberg 29 Sep 2007

Beautiful spiritual work, great coloring!

Artist Reply: Lior, thank you so much for your kind and wonderful words. Have a glorious Sunday. Michael

Sara Deutsch 29 Sep 2007

Spirit and nature...a lovely blend...

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Sara, I kinda of wanted it to look like a Bangkok post card. How did I do. My appreciation for your comments. Thanks, Sara, Michael

Patty Day 29 Sep 2007

Beautiful work again, marvelous colors!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Patty. You are very kind to comment so sweetly. I really appreciate it. Michael

joan warburton 29 Sep 2007

Outstanding presentation! Wonderful blend of colors and I like where you placed the focus.

Artist Reply: Joan, you are the genius. I love your new work. I thank you so much for your kindness in commenting on my work and making me feel so good about it. You are so very kind. Michael

Joe Sweeney 29 Sep 2007

Michael, peace in you'r harte is wonderful what ever way you go to God, Love is a wonderful thing, All my love dear friend, Joe.

Artist Reply: Joe, that is how I feel. However you get to heaven is the way to go. I am a mixture of many spiritual avenues, but basically Christian. A dear Minister friend of mine says that I am the only man that can make him understand the similarities in many Treatises. I say that if you distill them that they all say the same things. It is the human translation that causes us to doubt. Thank you for you kindness and my love back to you dear friend. Michael
Artist Reply:

Anonymous Guest 29 Sep 2007

Oh my, but this is beautiful... As for the "religion" part-I just go for whatever works for each person. It doesn't have to be one thing or another. Buddhist *and* Christian, Tao *and* Christian etc. I love combos and buffets anyway so picking and choosing and mixing things up is ideal to me. Simply revering nature and being a good person is good enough for me too. Purist or no, as long as the goodness presides over all-that works for me... ~*~ Linda Jade

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Miss Jade, you are very kind and your narrative is great. I do believe that one can have many different belief systems. As many that there are. Thanks so much for your kindness. Michael

Namita Kulkarni 29 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Namita, thank you so much for your kindness. You are very gracious, Namaste, Michael

jamie winter 29 Sep 2007

excellent digital work and wondeful imagry michael. !~

Artist Reply: Jamie, thank you so much for your kindness and continued support. I really appreciate it always. You are so gracious. Michael

Emily Reed 29 Sep 2007


Artist Reply: Thanks so much Emily. You are the genius. I am so glad you like this image. I really appreciate it. Michael

Olga van Dijk 29 Sep 2007

gorgeous indeed Michael!--

Artist Reply: Olga, thanks so much for your kindness and support. It means so much to me. My gratitude. Michael

Nira Dabush 29 Sep 2007

Totaly gorgeous,Michael

Artist Reply: Nira, thank you so much. I am humbled that you like it so much. My gratitude to you and may you have a great Sabbath. My kindest regards. Michael

Joanna Jungjohann 29 Sep 2007

your Buddha and garden is beautiful, dear Michael, in mine st Joseph presides, peace * love jo

Artist Reply: Jo, I would love to see yours. Being a Christian, sometimes I get a mixed message when I study the teachings of Buddha although I think that the Doctrines are quite similar. When Gandhi used to speak of Jesus in almost all of his teachings in public, sometimes his devotees would chastise him over his zealous remarks about Jesus. His reply would be, I love my mother as Jesus loved his and they were both magnificent woman, but I would not want to trade mine for his. Thank you sweet woman for your kind remarks and if there ever is a chance to see St. Joseph in your garden, I would love to. God bless you and yours. Michael