Awesome picture at that light!! This is beautiful John!! --Love and Light~OLGA.
Artist Reply: Dear Olga
Thank you very much. As I wrote earlier, I really "hunted" this shot but could never quite get the head in the light I wanted.
Warmest regards,
great photo of a wonderful subject! glad to see you back John!
Artist Reply: My dear Nelly,
It is so good to be back and I so much apologize for my absence but you must understand that it was beyond my control.
Hugs, John
I love the way the light is falling on this statue..excellent capture.
Artist Reply: Thanks Susan. I stalked this piece for quite a few weeks waiting for the light. Sadly, it just doesn't quit come off and I wish I had been a little more careful with her face (which I feel is too dark). Cheers John
Beautiful image John....I love how the light plays on the body of the figure, but the head is in shadow. I know how that feels, for sure!
So glad to see you posting new work my friend xxx
Anonymous Guest 19 Jun 2010
Lighting capture is exquisite. You are as always, the master! Great Work ~ Lara FalconeTerry Harris 02 Nov 2007
So true, perfectly done! Beautiful work and message.Jessica Courtley-Rose 26 Oct 2007
fantastic capture...very interesting lighting! Makes it special!Tabitha Borges 22 Oct 2007
so forgotten in the feel and I love the lightOlga van Dijk 22 Oct 2007
Awesome picture at that light!! This is beautiful John!! --Love and Light~OLGA.Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 22 Oct 2007
great photo of a wonderful subject! glad to see you back John!Joke Schotting 22 Oct 2007
Wonderful shot John!!!Lucia Stewart 22 Oct 2007
Excellent image and title, happy to see you are back John!!!Susan Rodio 20 Oct 2007
I love the way the light is falling on this statue..excellent capture.Nancy Costley 20 Oct 2007
Great capture at the right time.Gabriele Swanson 20 Oct 2007
gorgeous image JohnAlberto D'Assumpcao 20 Oct 2007
Spectacular lighting effect, John!!! Wonderful shot!Lauren Munger 20 Oct 2007
An image full of meaning and feeling!Natalie Mason 20 Oct 2007
Beautiful image John....I love how the light plays on the body of the figure, but the head is in shadow. I know how that feels, for sure! So glad to see you posting new work my friend xxx