• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 06 Nov 2007
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THE PRINCESSA FLORA by MICHAEL (MIGUEL) FORBUS paintograpy and photography copyright by Miguel What do you think an artist is? An imbecile who has only his eyes if he is a painter, or his ears if he is a musician? ...On the contrary, he is at the same time a political being, constantly on the alert to the heart-rending, burning, or happy events in the world, molding himself in their likeness. (Pablo Picasso) df A picture is not thought out and settled beforehand. While it is being done it changes as one's thoughts change. (Pablo Picasso) df Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? No. (Pablo Picasso) gr If my husband ever met a woman on the street who looked like one of his paintings he would faint. (Jacqueline Roque, wife of Pablo Picasso) sl I paint the way someone bites his fingernails; for me, painting is a bad habit because I don't know nor can I do anything else. (Pablo Picasso) sl

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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 25 Oct 2021

MIKEY is a con artist preying on women. a high school dropout that sells coke and weed for a living. has never worked. BEWARE this con man preying on women. NO UofM OR ANY HIGHER EDUCATION.

Betsy Foster 23 Nov 2007

Perfect title for a perfect piece ~! Great work, Michael - !

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Betsy. I hope you got it all worked out with your kids and finally had a nice sit down dinner. Are you living in a place that is foreign to you or have you lived there a while? I am moving back to Florida after spending a year painting and working on some commissioned large format pieces for the village I live in the mountains. I have enjoyed the solitude, but enough is enough. I used to live her about 25 years ago and have a lot of old friends here and as you say all the healing is done and gone and now it is time to put myself out in the world again. Being a water baby, I have lived on the warm coast for almost 30 years some in Mexico, and Central America, California, Hawaii for a bit and then Florida where my daughters live. I tried the mountains which are really gorgeous but the trees are bare 4 to 5 months a year up here and that can set up a negative element. As well as the solitude, although I get a lot of work done. My affection to you and hope this finds you happy and well. Michael

Jan van Baarle 10 Nov 2007

GORGEOUS Michael! Great work!

Artist Reply: Jan, thank you so much for your generosity and kind words. I really appreciate your observations and comments. You are so very gracious to say these things and I am grateful for your words. My thanks again, Michael

Katerina Koukiotis 09 Nov 2007

stunning florals!!

Artist Reply: Katerina, thank you so very much for your kind and encouraging words. I am appreciative of your support and observations of my work. I really am grateful. Michael

Federica Bentivoglio 09 Nov 2007

Awesome!!! wonderful composition and great digital work!

Artist Reply: Federica, my gratitude to you for you kind support and great comments. I really appreciate your observations and support. It makes my happy that you like my work. Michael