• June Steward
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  • Image 136 of 331
  • Added 24 Nov 2007
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'Tis the Season

I know this one is disturbing, but I'm disturbed when I go out and see people living on the streets. For some reason the holidays make homelessness all the more poignant.

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brenden howard 12 Jul 2008

great image june,love what you have done

Olga van Dijk 12 Jul 2008

I hear you... all the money spent on the elections these days could have been there for people in need.... In Holland -the country where I come from- this is NOT possible, yet in one of the most powerful countries of the world, the USA, (where I live now) people have to live of food stamps, many can't afford health insurance , have no homes... It's ashame... The richer get richer, the poor get more poor. -- BRAVO June, to let your voice hear! This is my pic of the day of course! --Love and Light~Olga

Artist Reply: Thank you, Olga. Unfortunately American will probably never adopt the European way of offering affordable health insurance, food, homes, etc. America has let greed take over completely and corporate America rules, not democracy.

jamie winter 25 Nov 2007

oh this is so cool June it is just amazing your so very talented

Betsy Foster 25 Nov 2007

Thank you...as an artist i believe this is part of what we do. We reflect what we see...no need to qualify your art ! It speaks...as one who has been homeless at holiday times...& we need to speak for those who don't have a voice, or nobody wants to hear b/c it's too 'disturbing'. I applaud you !

Leah Jaarveth 25 Nov 2007

very strong message that needs to be heard !!