• Visionary Imagist
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  • Image 17 of 122
  • Added 28 Nov 2007
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Shattered and scattered the shooter fires hitting or missing the target called humanity. It's warm narcotic bullet is the shot heard around the world. A liquid death bubbling in a spoon filled cauldron awaiting it's deadly orders to be released upon it's victims. From the lush flowered poppy fields of countries torn asunder by its demonic grip, to the rabid urban streets of every major city in the world, to the smallest sequestered hamlet, it's opiate drenched effects are felt. No one is safe from it's lethal touch, such is the power of it's malignant reach. It's evil skill robs everyone of their promised dreams and leaves in it's wake only memories of what could have been in the aching unfulfilled veins of humanity. It is the ultimate final lie, promising an unbounded freedom but only giving an everlasting prison sentence that eventually ends in a companionless death. It's horrific reign of terror commenced deep within the dawn of civilization spanning the length and breadth of history. And today it's looming omnipresent evil stands perched upon our very doorsteps awaiting it's entry into the unsuspecting households of the world. Beware humanity! Beware of this beast who seduces with whispered lies of everlasting bliss and never allow it's entry in your life. visionary imagist "Joey"

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Jo-Ann Hayden 26 Feb 2008

No one is safe, I lost a great friend to this monster. Stunning imagery, Beautifuly executed, and very eloquently put.

Jessica Courtley-Rose 05 Dec 2007

Again here a powerful image...and carefully thought out words...I am trying t educate myself about addiction as it is hard for me to understand...thanks for always helping me to look at things in a way I may not have before!

Artist Reply: Jessica: This painting attempts the impossible. To describe the evils of the power of addiction. Than ks for your sharing with me on this inscrutable subject.

joe valcourt 04 Dec 2007

the double edge sword of feeling---pain and pleasure.

Artist Reply: Joe: Thanks. i value your opinions and welcome your insights. Again thank you.

Gabrielle Stahlie 02 Dec 2007

Joey, I often wonder about the two faces a drug has like heroine, with one hand it relieves the pain for the people who are very sick and even dying and give them some rest and with the other hand it destroys lifes for the people who suffer from "life" and cannot cope with the daily situations. Still, original, it is a product of nature. But sometime it seems a weird joke of nature to me. You painting is very moving, very direct eand wonderful.

Artist Reply: Gabrielle: Your wise and profound words are an inspiration to this humble artist. Thank you for sharing your words with me.

merle cruser 02 Dec 2007

Very intense and moving dialog. The painting superb!