• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 12 Dec 2007
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The Spiral Staircase

In an explosive death of some distant star eons ago the molecular shrapnel that would one day coalesce and become the building blocks for the "dust" of life was shot into the vastness of space. In one miraculous moment the hand of the Creator took this extraordinary and mysterious "dust" and fashioned all that there ever was, is or will be. At that moment the miracle of creation commenced as time began to tick away. And to this day this miracle continues to unfold. I live inside this miracle. I am myself a miracle and all that I see and cannot see are miracles too. I need not travel far to see these remarkable events. I have witnessed countless miraculous moments in my own small brief lifetime. The birth of a child. The return of Spring. The universe in a grain of sand. These occurrences are everywhere. I need only to extend my vision to look beyond the obvious and the ordinary and to begin to see this underlying Power. My pedestrian viewpoints must be left behind. I must venture into territories where there are no maps. Such is the construct of Creation that nothing is wasted. Every atom is recycled. Every trace of energy is recharged. There is no true death, only change. The greatest fear of death is in it's apprehension believing that I will cease once I die. It is Death's ultimate deception. The wise and sagacious ancients feared not and wrote, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust". The very same "dust" that was propelled into the vastness of space when that long ago forgotten explosion occurred. So, as John Donne once said it will be "one short sleep past, we wake eternally, and death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die." visionary imagist "Joey"

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John Fish 20 Dec 2007

wonderful image. very thought provoking and inspiring.

Artist Reply: John: I appreciate your stopping by my little world and viewing my oils. It is always appreciated.
Artist Reply: John: I appreciate your stopping by my little world and viewing my oils. It is always appreciated.

Renata Cavanaugh 19 Dec 2007

Impressive work

Artist Reply: Renata: i do enjoy painting scenes of the universe. thanks for noticing my artwork.

Gabrielle Stahlie 19 Dec 2007

Joey, life is a miracle we never will fully understand. Still, we are part of that miracle. By trying to understand this miracle we try to understand ourself. And we will never see the whole picture here. It is just like life... going round in that circle. But one day we will know it all. As it is said... In a glass darkly... Our time of knowing is still to come.

Artist Reply: Gabrielle; i always appreciate your profound and wise insights on my oils. thank you again my friend for sharing with me.

Ginger Lovellette 18 Dec 2007

Stunning work and excellent description!

Artist Reply: Ginger: Thank you for stopping into my little gallery and commenting on my oil painting. thanks and stop back anytime.

merle cruser 16 Dec 2007

This is awesome Joey! the colors and theme are remarkable! Just fabulous and of coarse your story!

Artist Reply: Merle: Your kind remarks are always looked forward to. Thanks my friend for stopping by my little world and sharing.