• Tina Davis
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  • Added 21 Dec 2007
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Stay Strong

Everyone at one time or another in their life has needed help with something. Whether it was for an illness, fear, struggle, financial, love, career, or spiritual search. We all need help every now and then. A prayer from the heart center of one's being (not from our brain as it is polarized) is the most powerful thought, or energy, there is. Putting emotion into your prayers, like gratitude, joy, love...the feelings you get when you at your happiest, or a feeling that brings a smile to your face such as Christmas Day, charges your prayer in many wonderful and positive ways. It's that whole cosmic law thing where "like attracts like" and that we really tend to "attract" whatever it is that we focus on. We have sooo many things to be thankful for in this life, so remember to pray when things are going right, too. By doing this, you are thanking the creator for the many blessings in your life, which in turn, will help you to "attract" many more positive things. One of the best times for prayer requests that work well for me is right before I fall asleep at night or right when I wake up in the morning because these are the times when my mind is most receptive and relaxed.


Anonymous Guest

Johnnie Jumper III 20 Oct 2008

Love your style!

John Fish 29 Mar 2008

I love this as a painting and also what it represents. this is full of strength.

Jerry 22 Dec 2007

Lovely expression!

Ann Fawssett-Atkin 22 Dec 2007

Superb Tian

Ron Atkin 22 Dec 2007

Powerful text and picture Tina.