• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 23 Jan 2008
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Behold Woodrow Wilson

Behold Woodrow Wilson Offers Up a Riddle Woodrow Wilson portends progress on your land. A people's empty head holds on high - priestly shamans adherents to the shore - offers trusting hearts to Dark Fabian's siren song. Gaze the mirror darkly glowing - there sacred countenance hanging. Behold shaded pinnings laid and olden praising as though lore - burning pages nineteen hundred more. Legion secrets where there were none. Clandestine ever changing over fallen ever climbing - never stopping, never giving - only taking for their own with titles interchanging - Definitions rearranging evil harvest they do sow. Now the treasure if you find it - where it's from just never mind it. Cry aloud no one hearing - heros downed as from behind. It's never where you think it. If it's hemlock you would drink it. Seek the answer to this riddle away your days you will diddle - bright performance your demise. Stalwart walls upon is written. Dandy musing wrong lest is given - even so all repeat it just the same. (This insoluble riddle's just for fun - you will not solve it lest history deep is your love. Though you will never admit it we all of us will relive it as in a tormenting dream that if we look far enough behind we can see tomorrow - and that's the good news. Now for the Bad...~:0)


Anonymous Guest

Kim Reid 29 Sep 2019

Nice work. I never would of understood your illustration, until I read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin. Especially creepy is his chapters on the 'Report from Iron Mountain.' Thanks for your visual understanding of deep-state.

Anonymous Guest 22 Aug 2008

This is one of my favs. The monkey cyclist is up there too though, but I don't know...I have a thing for penguins...and cripples. M. Sinklier

Artist Reply: Penguins - they are at once victim and victimizer - beware!... beware... Ha! ~:0)

Doris B. Lambling 22 Apr 2008

grrr - it's so strange and also so fascinating and great!

Artist Reply: Thanks Doris - if you only knew the solution to the riddle you would find it even more so - those who do not learn what secrets holds history, themselves by blindness leads - what fun! Glad you stopped by - come back often ~:0)

Gavin North 24 Mar 2008

WOW I like this because it is so surreal. Excellent piece Chas

Artist Reply: Thanks for commenting on good ol' WW - took his country years to struggle past his surreal meddling in humanity's structure - this image and story holds many symbols - and lots of cute penguins! Jejeje ~:0)

Seth Weaver 04 Mar 2008

An awesome visual storyteller and artist...you are so talented, Charles.

Artist Reply: Thanks Seth - you've earned free parking on your next visit with that nice comment~:0)

Armando Salas 18 Feb 2008


Artist Reply: Jejeje - thought you'd enjoy this one - and I got to use monkeys and penguins in this pic - that's hard to beat ~:0)

Maria Murphy 16 Feb 2008

wonderful work!!

Artist Reply: Thanks MM - I had been wondering how I could use this great prop-mirror I've had about the place for a couple of years and the WW pic came about and brought it all together - guess I owe it to the penguins for inspiring the piece... well, that and the monkeys~:0)

Monika Moore 07 Feb 2008

Does this have anything to do with Woodrow's 1923 Armistice Day Broadcast recording or his 1919 accidental radio broadcast when he spoke from a ship to World War I troops aboard other vessels and it was picked up by some people in America? I think I see an audio plug symbol behind WW but I'm not sure ... :) BTW, Chas, do you torture small animals, too? Lol! ~M

Artist Reply: As a child we would taunt the roos and galahs - in the fullness of time we worked our way up to prodding livestock and the odd bo about the station - me mum taught me to shoot and that led to world travel at uncle oz's expense - guess that's considered the biggest game of all, but I'm still holding out for tickling a Blue Whale when I get the chance - yeah Woodrow Wilson was no little girl - turns out he was only the beginning in a long line - speaking of Tesla - jajajjajaa - sorry, couldn't help meself Monika - personally I just like to make the pictures - all the historical perspective is just icing on the cake - thanks for the great inspiring comment - free parking for you and a member of a diminutive species on your next visit~:0)

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 28 Jan 2008

you are such a great story teller and such a great creator!!!!!

Artist Reply: Yes Nelly, I stretched out my hand and the garage door fell off - I am but a humble hermit crab in the shadow of my creator, but it's fun to emulate Him when I can - I'm glad we are so blessed with creativity you and I and all our AW peers - community, no matter how goofy is a good thing, right? Haha - you always inspire me Nelly whether it is your words or your images - thanks for being you and thanks for stopping by for a visit~:0)

Joke Schotting 26 Jan 2008

A great work my friend!!

Artist Reply: Well thanks Joke - you say the nicest things - wish I could do photos like you do~:0)

thea walstra 26 Jan 2008

A great combo with a true end!

Artist Reply: WhooWhoo Thea! How you bean keed? Good to hear from you - and a truer end there never could be - these penguins are splashing in the waves a lot of late - had to record their antics for the fun of it - though there's always the risk of getting pecked by those wacky birds - thanks for stopping by~:0)

Barry Huyett 25 Jan 2008

great combo...well done!

Artist Reply: Yeah thanks Barry - I love the term combo, because that's exactly what this piece is - words and imagery working together - you know the funny thing is, the caption is the complete title to the piece - I've always favored really long titles for these things - just crazy I guess - thanks again come back often~:0)

Alberto D'Assumpcao 25 Jan 2008

Very ironic, Chas!!! Love that!!! The colours and composition are fantastics, my friend!

Artist Reply: Ironic Indeed Alberto - all me fav colors and a whole mob of obscure penguins in the background - imagine the noise and the smell - whew!!! Thanks for the great comment - it's always appreciated from yerself~:0)

Steve Farr 24 Jan 2008

And whats the bad news, Chas? Hey, great stuff per usual!! ~S

Artist Reply: The Bad News? You can't handle the bad news Steve - the good news is bad enough with this dark riddle - I love it when you stop by - allisapleasure - I'm considering doing an illy about Armed Women - what do you think they should wear - watch what you say SF - don't want to be PiC, eh?~:0)

Lior Goldenberg 24 Jan 2008

A penguin again? Must be your favorite pet... Cool work, Chas! (although I must admit I have no idea what is it about)

Artist Reply: Yeah Lior, I'm doing a series on the International Penguin Conspiracy - This riddle's a tough one - I don't expect anyone to reckon it any time soon~:0)

Bailey Hopper 24 Jan 2008

Is there an answer to the riddle?

Artist Reply: Why yes there is Bailey, those some prefer not to answer and I'm afraid Woodrow doesn't come off very well in the answer and like many of my commentary-games it is quite lengthy and requires adherence to numerous historical references - sometimes amongst my local friends I am prone to say to them, "we hide those answers in obscure books not always on the New York Times Best Seller's List nor the gloss that is used in the public schools." It's all in good fun, but some folks tend to resort to expletives rather than pertinacious data - still one man's laugh is another man's cry - some even remark about pain in the frontal lobes while others place the discomfort in the nether regions - It's all intellectual good fun and the game is afoot! ~:0)

jamie winter 24 Jan 2008

to cool Chas

Artist Reply: Thanks Jamie -urtookind- yeah, the symbols are all there - but what do they mean??? Ha! Sometimes wish I knew - glad you're well~:0)

mel taylor 24 Jan 2008

Beautiful work, Chas!! mel

Artist Reply: Mel you are a man of impeccable taste as well as talent - you are most kind to me as well and I want you to know how much I appreciate it~:0)