• geoffrey semorile
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  • Added 16 Jan 2004
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PENGUINS - AFRICA  SIMONTOWN  SOUTHERN CAPE-------------------- This is the most northerly ranging of the penguin species; known as the Jackass penguin after the braying sound they make much like a true jackass. They migrate north from Antarctica to lay their eggs on the warmer beaches at the tip of South Africa. In the background you see Simon town located on the east coast adjacent to Cape Town. The famous Tabletop Mountain separates the two towns. Simon Town is a pleasant and very scenic two-hour drive from Cape Town. Well worth the time if you get to this area. The ocean vistas are just spectacular and kelp beds much like the ones in California can be seen just off shore in the surf break. These delightful little sea going birds waddle about the beach as if dressed for the ball in formal wear as they sun themselves and endlessly preen their formal attire. They rarely refuse to stop for a pose and politely allow you a moment of their time. They are jealously protected by the locals from undue harassment by the unruly visitor who might cause them stress or harm. There is always a local volunteer guard on duty keeping a sharp eye out and the beach nesting areas are closed after dark. The close proximity of their nesting sites to civilization warrants this kind of protection. They require you keep a certain distance from the birds so bring a longer lens. It is quite a lovely isolated little village and a great place to have lunch before you move on. A drive up the east coast another three to five hours will take you through many similar and historic fishing villages. The area is famous for its Wright Whale migrations and during migrations you can easily view the whales breaching from shore. Whalers gave the Wright whale its name because it was the right whale for them to hunt and kill. The area is also well visited by the Great White shark, which can also upon occasion be spotted breaching in a whale like fashion as well. The sharks are attracted by the presence of the Penguins and large populations of fur seals, both a delicacy on the Great White sharks menu. Dont bother bringing your swimming trunks, the water is icy cold anyway as it is fed by currents from the colder waters of Antarctica. All in all it is a lovely area to visit and if you return inland to the cape you will pass through their famous wine producing area. The wine region is much like my native Napa valley region here in California for those familiar with it, so I felt right at home. For the wine buffs the reds are superb, I was not as impressed with the whites with a few exceptions. The architecture has a heavy Dutch influence, and many lovely bed and breakfast inns abound. On your way from Capetown you will also pass the light house at the Cape of good hope, this is the very southern tip of the African continent where the Atlantic and Indian oceans converge. Almost always extremely windy and chilly so bring a coat. This is the sight of many a shipwreck as vessels attempted to make it around the tip of Africa. High winds and heavy weather combined with an angry seas, strong currents, crashing on jagged rocky shorelines make for difficult crossing from one ocean to the next. End of my travelogue now, if you have fallen asleep. I guess I am rambling; I just love Africa as you might have gleaned by now. One footnote, these birds are just hilarious, strutting about the beach looking hither and yon, as if some caricature escaped from an Edward Gore cartoon; reference the The Doubtful Guest. The bird in the lower left corner has dropped his watch crystal and is busy looking for it.