• Anneke Hut
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  • Added 26 Jul 2008
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Armando's Ladies

I can in no way stand in the shadow of the Master who created the reference image for this painting, my dear friend and talented artist, Armando Salas.
He intitiated a Challenge for all artists on ArtWanted to join.
A great idea, Armando! Thank you very much, I had a lot of fun painting this!!
You can see the reference image on Armando's page. :)


You must be a logged on member of ArtWanted.com to post comments on this portfolio.

Nira Dabush 24 Nov 2022

Beautifully painted dear Anneke.. Excellent.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, dear Nira.

Nira Dabush 07 Oct 2022

He is missed all right. You made such beautiful work..

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, dear Nira. Have a wonderful weekend.

Al Budarin 19 Oct 2017

Unbelievable,Works of such Wonderful Artistry so Beautiful ,you are a Master at Your craft

Artist Reply: Thank you so much, Al!

Anne Whiteway 12 Jul 2014

Anneke, great work. There is so much to see and enjoy in this painting. (I see that you mentioned this was just some "doodling with the friends club"...Your doodling is masterful. (smiles)

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Anne!

marie-claire gallet 23 May 2014

Lovely painting, Anneke !!! Your did a great job!!!

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Marie-claire!

Pamela Rivera 27 Mar 2014


Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Pamela! This was just some doodling with the friends club.:)

Maria Karalyos 30 Jan 2014

Fantastic work,Anneke !

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Maria!

yves colas 15 Nov 2013

great personnages,dressing,painting,and colors,enchanting work.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Yves. This picture was just for fun after a cartoon from Armando.

Cristina Andrisan 13 May 2012

beautiful painting even if its lil bit naive

Artist Reply: We had to use Armando's picture.:) Thank you very much!

John Cappello 21 Jun 2010

Mixes scorchingly bright colors with icy cool, sentimentally sincere & classic way, with intelligent motivation, that leaves you infatuated.

Artist Reply: I was inspired by the great idea of painting together with friends. I'm really glad that you like it and I thank very much for your lovely words, dear John.

Olga Naletova 05 Jan 2010

Beautiful artwork !!!

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Olga!

Terry Jelcick 01 May 2009

Fun fresh style. A heart lifter.

Artist Reply: What a sweet words, Terry! Thank you very much for stopping by!

Sigridur Bachmann 16 Apr 2009

Excellent artwork and perfect in every way ! " precious " I like to tell you and Almando we got a very similar artwork here in a bank in Reykjavík, after one of the most famous icelandic artist. I shall go there and take a photo to show you, if the work is still there HA ha !

Artist Reply: I would love to see your photo, I'm very curious! :) Thank you so much for your beautiful words, Siggi!

Vasily Zolottsev 07 Apr 2009

Remarkable work, Anneke! The vital sincere scene, it is executed with love!

Artist Reply: And made for the fun of it. It would be great if you were in it too next time we have a friendly challenge! :) Thank you very much for your nice comment, Vasily.

its arts 03 Apr 2009

very nice work.

Artist Reply: Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it!

Ulughbek Mukhamedov 05 Mar 2009

Kind and sincere works at you Anneke

Artist Reply: Many AW artists have joined this challenge, I even think it's still open. We should do it again it's nice to work together. Thank you for viewing my picture and leaving your kind words, Ulughbek!

Caballero Salguero 08 Jan 2009

Bello acrylic. Good composition and rich colours. For ever. José

Artist Reply: Hi José, thank you for the sweet comment!

Ethan Vaughn 04 Jan 2009

how beautiful

Artist Reply: If there's ever a Challenge again, I can recommend to join, Ethan. It's so much fun to see all the different versions! Here you can see all the participating artists: http://www.annekehut.nl/anneke/other/armandoall.jpg

vincent zhao 19 Dec 2008

Very beautiful

Artist Reply: Thank you for the visit and the kind words, Vincent!


What a great painting. It's so fresh and alive. The layout and colors are perfect.

Artist Reply: Coming from a talented artist as you are, I appreciate your words greatly, Stuart! Thank you very much!

Victor Rolfe 29 Oct 2008

Wonderful! Lovely colors and style. The ladies look well-pleased with the catch!

Artist Reply: Yeah, it's quite a catch, their baskets are full. Thank you very much for the visit and the kind comment, Victor!

Milan Radovanovic 04 Oct 2008

Your paintings are truly beautiful Anneke.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Milan.

David Holcombe 01 Oct 2008

There is a great folk art quality to this. The composition puts the ladies in the foreground and Armando is relegated to a little dwarf like figure in the back. The colors are bold and friendly, as are the faces. Such a cheerful work.

Artist Reply: It was a real joy to join this Challenge, if you're interested there's a long discussion on the message board about it. I bet it's still open, no winners or losers, just happy artists. :D I'm glad you like my painting, many thanks, David!

Cher Peterson 21 Sep 2008

What an interesting image, with the waterfront and fisherman, in addition to the ladies purchasing the fresh-caught fish. It tells a great story, Anneke.

Artist Reply: I agree with you, Armando's challenge picture is beautiful! It was a great pleasure to join and wonderful to see all the different versions of his work. Thanks for your kind words, Cher!

william bat watego 12 Sep 2008

you have such lovley stile for art ..anneke.. this is really lovley .. the ..detial.. and ..expression..subject.. reall talent u have ..lovley painting..love art with story to them ...

Artist Reply: Yes, I love art with a story too. That's why I love your artworks so much, William! Thank you very much for your wonderful comment!

Renata Cavanaugh 10 Sep 2008

Hm. You are on my artwatch..but I have not received one for any of these beautiful new works of yours

Artist Reply: It's okay dear Renata, emailing has been up and down lately LOL. Glad to see you, thanks for the visit! :)

annette steens 10 Sep 2008

Sorry, Anneke that I miss this lovely painting from you! The lady below must be you I recognize your lovely face! Echt heel goed gedaan Anneke!

Artist Reply: Hi Annette, we all miss updates and new comments, because aw emails are running poorly these days. Doesn't matter I'm glad you're here now. :) Thank you for your wonderful words!

Shakeh Sarookhanian 05 Sep 2008

Lovely painting ,ful of blue life and beauty!

Artist Reply: Thank you for your wonderful comment, Shakeh!

Aline Pottier 04 Sep 2008

Hi Sharon, Awesome paint! I ike so much the colours and the composition! Congratulations! Aline

Artist Reply: Thank you for the kind words, Aline.

Hugo Revuelta 01 Sep 2008

Very nice and colorful.

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Hugo!!

Mimoza Oronova 29 Aug 2008

Great work !

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Mimoza!

cynthia berridge 25 Aug 2008

very beautiful Anneke brush strokes are wonderful

Artist Reply: Hi Cynthia, aren't you in Armando's Challenge? Thanks for the kind words!

a.f. reinhart 21 Aug 2008

Anneke, quite beautiful, conveys a whole new feeling. It is amazing the variations that have come from the original portrayl. Your rich strokes and color keep my attention, very warm & heart-felt. Uniquely yours. I jumped on board as well, hope to post a pic soon.

Artist Reply: Hi Angela, thank you for the visit to my gallery and your kind words. I can't wait to see your version!! :))

Terry Bassett 20 Aug 2008

Lovely version Anneke.. the women's faces somehow remind me of you..:-)

Artist Reply: Haha it's a nice compliment, thank you, Terry! I love your version too, it has wonderful colours! To all people who read this, please go to Terry's page and enjoy!

Anonymous Guest 20 Aug 2008


Artist Reply: Hi Anonymous, thank you for wowing, I love wows to my work! :DD

Lili 18 Aug 2008

This is a beautiful and colorful artwork, I love it, it's great!:)

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot for stopping by and leaving your wonderful comment, Lili!

carrie holst 15 Aug 2008

Wow, You really did a great job on this. I'm only half way through with mine. This has been a great challenge. I wonder what Armando has instore for us next???? :)

Artist Reply: If you want to, you can make a painting of his "Leiteiras" too! :) Thank you for your kind words, Carrie. I can't wait to see yours! :D

Nilantha Lokunarangode 13 Aug 2008

wonderful painting

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, Nilantha.

teresa ramalhao 11 Aug 2008

Anneke, what a brave and curious challenge! I like it! The subject is interesting: the fishwoman(peixeira) as we said at Galiza and in north Portugal, are a brave, a picturesque and a delicious woman! Your composition is very well donne and the beautiful colours agree with the spirit and the soul of these women... Delicious challenge and great work! I love your "peixeiras"...

Artist Reply: Thank you for your wonderful description, Teresa! And also for your wonderful comment to my work!

Richard Santos 08 Aug 2008

Beautiful work! I love your composition, details and subject! Very well done... :D

Artist Reply: Hello Richard, sorry for my late reply, but I didn't get any aw emails so I missed your message. I'm glad that you like my peixeiras, thank you very much for your kind words!

John Graham Inkson 07 Aug 2008

You have made the picture your own. I like all the detail on the fish and the smiling faces.

Artist Reply: That's a sweet thing to say, John. I thank you for it.

Ken 07 Aug 2008

good painting... i saw a similar picture like this by Sharon Gonzalez 'Armando's Challenge - Peoxeiras'

Artist Reply: Yes, there are many artists involved, Armando gave us a beautiful reference picture. Thank you for the kind comment, Ken!

Patty Day 05 Aug 2008

Beautifully done!!! My pics for the day!!! Awesome job.....

Artist Reply: That's wonderful, thanks a lot, Patty!

Jan van Baarle 03 Aug 2008

Een schitterend stukje werk! Well done!

Artist Reply: Hartelijk dank, Jan!

Lior Goldenberg 31 Jul 2008

Charming painting indeed! A very beautiful version, Anneke!

Artist Reply: Hi Lior, I love your special picture of the Peixeiras!! It's such fun to see all these wonderful images. Thank you lots for your kind comment!

Carolyn Taylor 31 Jul 2008

Anneke, this painting is pure joy!

Artist Reply: What a sweet thing to say, thanks a lot, Carolyn!!

Chas Sinklier 30 Jul 2008

Charming pic Anneke - Armando's challenge has been fun, eh? ~:0)

Artist Reply: Yep, Armando's Challenge was indeed great fun! Next time I hope to see you too there! :)) Thanks for stopping by and the nice words, Chas!

Nikolay Pavlushko 30 Jul 2008

I have no words, Anneke. You created wonderful atmosphere in this beautiful work !!!

Artist Reply: Hi Nikolay, thank you very much for your kind words, they are very much appreciated!

Izabella Pavlushko 30 Jul 2008

What a beautiful title. Anneke? Your interpretation looks awesome. Love open and friendly faces of your ladies. BRAVO !!!

Artist Reply: I'm glad you like it, Izabella. I love yours too, you've got such a wonderful style! Thanks for the visit and the kind words to mine. :)

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 30 Jul 2008

WOW, I ADORE!!!!!!!

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Nelly!

Nira Dabush 30 Jul 2008

Your painting Annekke, is simply Outstanding... Bravo my friend.

Artist Reply: Hi Nira, thank you so much for your wonderful comment! :D

Loredana 29 Jul 2008

Wonderful work Anneke :)

Artist Reply: Many thanks, Loredana!

Eileen Kasprick 29 Jul 2008

Wonderful painting.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Eileen.

Ora Moon 29 Jul 2008

Excellent work, love the feel and atmosphere of this piece, your perspective is wonderful and the tiny old fisherman is adorable!

Artist Reply: Hi Ora, thank you! All credits go to the master Armando, he created the wonderful reference image. :)

Roy Boobyer 29 Jul 2008

Great interpretation Anneke. I'm sure Armando will love it! ( Still working on mine:-0 )

Artist Reply: Thanks for your kind words, Roy. I can't wait to see yours!! :)

Teresa Dominici 28 Jul 2008

Wonderful art work Anneke, beautiful composition and colors.

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot for your kind comment, Teresa.

Pamela Davidson 28 Jul 2008

OH MY!! Anneke this is Fantastic, such a wonderful coastal feel to it. Don't sell yourself short, Armando is the creator and the challenge was a good one, and within that, your beauty comes forth from his image loud and clear :) I love it!!

Artist Reply: What a beautiful words to my painting, thank you very much! I have just seen your wonderful work on this Challenge, I love it, Pamela!!

Joanna Jungjohann 28 Jul 2008

such a fascinatingly lovely painting, anneke. happy eyes; I love those happy eyes.

Artist Reply: Many thanks for your great comment, Joanna!

Bev Chudey 27 Jul 2008

very colorful Anneke!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Bev!!

Jessica Courtley-Rose 27 Jul 2008

Wonderful art! Colorful and delightful!

Artist Reply: Thanks Jessica! Are you in this Challenge too? :)

Reba McDonald 27 Jul 2008

Beautiful work Anneke.

Artist Reply: Dear Reba, I'm extremely happy to read on the forum that you are feeling better!! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my picture! I'm sending my love and positive thoughts your way, sweet friend!!

v blair 27 Jul 2008

This is full of light and joy Anneke..beautiful!!

Artist Reply: I'm glad you like it Vickie, thank you for the wonderful words!

Alberto D'Assumpcao 27 Jul 2008

Splendid work, Anneke!!! Excellent challenge!

Artist Reply: Hi Alberto, many thanks for the kind comment!

Kerra Lindsey 26 Jul 2008

What an AWESOME challenge! I love this idea! Great finished painting--A++ -Kerra Lindsey

Artist Reply: Armando made a great challenge! Are you in it too, Kerra? Thank you for stopping by and your kind words!!

Joke Schotting 26 Jul 2008

Beautiful artwork Anneke!!!

Artist Reply: Hi Joke, thank you very much!!

Minerva Bloom 26 Jul 2008

Very creative version Anneke! I loved the color palette you chose!

Artist Reply: I'm glad you like it, Minerva! It was difficult to choose all the colours, there's so much to see on Armando's beautiful drawing.

Anonymous Guest 26 Jul 2008

Lovely work hun! -- Tahnja

Artist Reply: Hi Tahnja, thank you very much!

Anne Vis 26 Jul 2008

Great composition and beautiful artwork, Anneke!

Artist Reply: Anne, thank you for your wonderful comment!

Sharon Gonzalez 26 Jul 2008


Artist Reply: Hi Sharon, many thanks!!

Brenda Thour 26 Jul 2008

Such a spendid and lively painting. Great job!

Artist Reply: Thanks for the visit and the kind words, Brenda!

John Swift 26 Jul 2008

The other artists don't have a chance now, Anneke. This is a beautiful acrylic!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much for your support and the beautiful comment, John!

Seth Weaver 26 Jul 2008

Beautiful work Anneke. You've made the ladies look like beautiful you did you mean to do that??? Great job... this is going to make it HARD for the other 12 artists!

Artist Reply: LOL No Seth, it was not intented to be a self portrait, I would certainly not claim to be one of those ladies! :)) There are such great artists in this Challenge, if it were a real contest I wouldn't have any chance! I'm in it for fun. Thank you for your sweet words, Seth!

Olga van Dijk 26 Jul 2008

ANNEKE, my pic of the day of course!!! It's a wonderful piece of artwork!! Download it also in Armando's general discussion... I love how happy your faces look~!~ Love, Light and lots more, OLGA

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, dear Olga! It's such fun to be in this Challenge. Your first one is so lovely!!

Barry Huyett 26 Jul 2008

LIK this aRT!

Artist Reply: Hi Barry, thanks a lot for the kind comment!

Cristina Marsi 26 Jul 2008

Great work, Anneke!

Artist Reply: Thank you, Cristina!

Emily Reed 26 Jul 2008


Artist Reply: Thank you, dear Emily!

margaret mckeehan 26 Jul 2008


Artist Reply: Many thanks, Margaret!

Armando Salas Jr. 26 Jul 2008

I already know my father's painting. Your version is better for sure. (Just renouncing to the legacy... LOL:-)

Artist Reply: Haha Armando, seeing the wonderful talent you have inherited already, you don't need any legacy! Thank you very much for stopping by and the wonderful comment, it's a pleasure to see you my gallery! :D

Elf Evans 26 Jul 2008

Nicely done!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Elf! :)

Armando Salas 26 Jul 2008

Thirteen artists (I'm included) are involved in this project until now. I was tninking about a "standard" comment for all people. Although you all are the real artists, it's as if your creatures were "my kids". Does a father show preferences? Not at all. All of them, sons and daughters are beautiful and loved. I'll not like to hurt someone because I write "Wonderful" to one and "Lovely" to another one. I must be cautious because I know all people put the same feelings and passion for art in their work. When I got this idea I thought: "If I'm lucky, perhaps 3-4 artists..." I cannot suspect 12 TALENTED artists more (by now :-) were ready to share this strange experience. Sorry my English knowledge isn't good enough to express my feelings but all of you must know I truly appreciate your endless support in all I do or start. Yes, this one is my STANDARD comment. AMAZING WORK! I feel myself honored because you are part of my project and my heart. No more words are needed. Thank you very much. I love you.

Artist Reply: Dear Armando, it was an honour to do this! By working on this painting, looking at your marvellous reference closely and often, I admire your great talent even more than I already did! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful spirit and creativity with us! And thank you for your sweet words! :)